Manuia Heinrich Sue
Manuia Heinrich Sue's research focussed on multilingualism in Polynesian literature through the study of Tahitian author Célestine Vaite's three novels.
Bachelor of Arts (english) 2007
Master’s degree (education) 2010
Master’s degree (pacific literatures, languages and cultures) 2013
All qualifications received at the University of New Caledonia
PhD in Pacific Studies, Victoria University of Wellington
Manuia is a certified teacher for the French government in New Caledonia for the past seven years, and came to Victoria University of Wellington to do her PhD. Her thesis focussed on the aspects of multilingualism and identity construction in Pacific literatures through the case of Tahitian author Celestine Vaite’s novels, which were published in English between 2000 and 2006.
Title: Multilingualism in Pacific Literatures: Navigating the aesthetics of a Tahitian culture and identity, and public reachability, in Celestine Hitiura Vaite’s novels.

Jean Anderson