Lehyla Heward
Lehyla Heward researched Chinese and Korean intellectual history in Manchuria of the 1930s.
BA in English Literature with a focus on Creative Writing, Arizona State University (2010)
MA in Modern Chinese Literature, Northeast Normal University, Changchun China (2015)
PhD in Chinese Studies, Victoria University of Wellington
Lehyla began studying Chinese as an undergraduate while studying abroad in China, South Korea, and Singapore. She returned to China after graduating to teach English, but soon decided to pursue a Master’s degree in northeast China. While living there, she gained an interest in the region’s history and peoples. This led her to her research Chinese and Korean intellectual history from 1930s Manchuria at Victoria University of Wellington. Her research interests include the role of economics in cultural production and intellectual activities, translation, literature, and intertextual exchanges.
China Capable Masterclass Presenter
Emeritus Professor
Supervisor of Postgraduate Students
School of History, Philosophy, Political Science and International Relations|School of Languages and Cultures|School of Languages and Cultures