Johannes Contag

Johannes Contag created an annotated retranslation of the stories of Heinrich von Kleist with a focus on syntactic complexity.

A profile image of Johannes Contag.


BA (Hons I) in German, 1996 (Dissertation: “Intentional subjectivity in the early novels of Brigitte Kronauer”)
PGDipMus in Composition, 2011
PhD in Literary Translation, 2022


Following a long history as a vocational translator of non-fiction, Johannes decided several years ago to return to his literary roots and retranslate the prose works of early nineteenth-century German author Heinrich von Kleist. Halfway through his PhD, he has already established a productive relationship with the Heinrich-von-Kleist-Gesellschaft in Germany, presenting a paper at the society’s annual conference in 2017, co-hosting a Kleist translation workshop at the Kleist-Museum in 2018, and publishing an article in the Kleist-Jahrbuch (currently the main journal dedicated to this author). Johannes is also active as a composer, having written several orchestral live accompaniments to silent films, and he teaches live music technology part time.


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Richard Millington

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Jean Anderson


Contag, Johannes. Herausforderungen und Divergenzen in den englischen Übersetzungen von Kleists Erzählungen. Fallbeispiel:‘Michael Kohlhaas’. Kleist-Jahrbuch (2018), 231-252.