Jess Marinaccio

Jessica Marinaccio’s research focused on Tuvalu–Taiwan cultural diplomacy through performance.

A profile image of Jessica Marinaccio.


Bachelor of Arts with Honours, Chinese Language and History, Williams College (USA)
Master of Arts, Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University (Taiwan)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Pacific Studies, Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand)


Jess Marinaccio has completed her PhD studies in Pacific Studies at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. She received a Master’s in Chinese literature from National Taiwan University and later worked as an interpreter for the Tuvalu Embassy in Taiwan. Jess’s research focused on Tuvalu–Taiwan cultural diplomacy, as well as understandings of diplomacy and indigeneity in Taiwan and its Pacific allies. She has published relevant articles and book chapters in Issues & Studies, Asia Pacific Viewpoint, ANU In Brief, International Journal of Taiwan Studies, The Contemporary Pacific, and The China Alternative – Changing Regional Order in the Pacific Islands (Acton: ANU Press, 2019).



Senior Lecturer

Wellington Uni-Professional|School of Languages and Cultures

Senior Lecturer

School of Languages and Cultures


Marinaccio, Jess. “ ‘We’re not indigenous. We’re just, we’re us’: Pacific Perspectives on Taiwan’s Austronesian Diplomacy.” In G. Smith & T. Wesley-Smith (Eds.), The China Alternative: Changing Regional Order in the Pacific Islands, Forthcoming.

Marinaccio, Jess. “Re-Articulating Diplomatic Relationships: Contextualizing Tuvalu-Taiwan Relations.” The Contemporary Pacific, Forthcoming.

Simeti, Tala & Marinaccio, Jess. “Playing for Island, Playing for Country, Playing for Oceania: Tuvalu Rugby at Home and Abroad.” The New Outrigger Blog (29th April 2019).

Marinaccio, Jess. “Rethinking Diplomacy and its Cultural, Social, and Political Contexts: The Diplomacies of Tuvalu, the Pacific, and Taiwan.” Taiwan Insight: The Online Magazine of the Taiwan Studies Programme, Nottingham Trent University (16th April 2019).

Zhang, Denghua & Marinaccio, Jess. “Chinese and Taiwanese Scholarships for Pacific Island Countries.” ANU In Brief 2019/10 (2019).

Marinaccio, Jess. “James Clifford’s ‘Indigenous Articulations’ as Traveling Theory?: The Search for Sustainability in Theorizing Taiwan’s Indigenous and Han Populations.” The International Journal of Taiwan Studies 2, no. 1 (2019): 32-56. This paper received the 2018 First Place Young Scholar Award at the 2018 European Association of Taiwan Studies Conference.

Marinaccio, Jess. “Oceania Matters in Diplomacy” [Review of the book The New Pacific Diplomacy, edited by G. Fry & S. Tarte]. Asia Pacific Viewpoint 58, no. 3 (2017): 396-397.

Marinaccio, Jess. “Soft Power in a Hard Shell: The Fleet of Friendship of the ROC Navy and Taiwan’s Performative Cultural Diplomacy in the Pacific.” Issues & Studies: A Social Science Quarterly on China, Taiwan, and East Asian Affairs 53, no. 2 (2017): 1-23.

Marinaccio, Jess. Rearticulating Diplomatic Relationships: Contextualizing Tuvalu-Taiwan Relations,” The Contemporary Pacific, 31(2), 2019, pp. 448-475.