Jana Loorparg (née Grohnert)

Jana Loorparg (née Grohnert) did research on L2 literary translation.


PhD in Literary Translation Studies, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington, 2024.

Master of Intercultural Communication and Applied Translation (MICAT), Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington, 2020, with Distinction

Bachelor of Arts, Linguistics & Spanish, University of Cape Town, 2011, with Distinction


Jana Loorparg's (née Grohnert) research examined the translation into English of selected excerpts from Anne Weber’s early work, challenging the traditional view that translators should only work in their ‘mother tongue’. Her thesis contributes to the scarce academic literature on L2 literary translation and calls for a broader and more inclusive engagement with the theory and practice of L2 literary translation in our increasingly post-monolingual world.


Senior Lecturer in German
School of Languages and Cultures

School of Languages and Cultures


Grohnert, J. (2024). Translating Anne Weber into English: A Case Study in L2 Literary Translation. Victoria University of Wellington.

Weber, A. (2023). Dear Birds (J. Grohnert, Trans.). Unpublished manuscript.

Weber, A. (2023). Excerpt from Besuch bei Zerberus/Cerbère (J. Grohnert, Trans.). In Specimen, The Babel Review of Translations. Retrieved fromhttps://www.specimen.press/articles/from-besuch-bei-zerberus/

Weber, A. (2022). Visiting Cerberus/Cerbère (excerpt) (J. Grohnert, Trans.). In Landfall 244, 162-164.