Yuki Gabriella Minami
Yuki Gabriella Minami is studying the role of Zainichi and their depiction in images during the Korean War through Japanese and Korean media and literarature.

PhD Candidate in Japanese
School of Languages and Cultures
B.A University of Tennessee, Knoxville 2018
US Fulbright (US-Japan) 2018-2019
M.A Kyushu University 2021
Yuki is studying the role of the Zainichi and their depiction in images during the Korean War through the Japanese and Korean media and literature. Yuki served as an active-duty US Marine from 2009 to 2013 before studying at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville to earn her bachelor's degree. Having an education background in both the US and Japan, along with her military background, helps Yuki understand the roles played and images taken by the Zainichi during the Korean War and explore how war images offer a portrait of the media and literary work during the 1950s.
Until now, Zainichi volunteers in the Korean War have not been discussed in any language except Korean; given that the information is limited, it was never introduced to the Western world as the topic was only recently discovered.

Dennitza Gabrakova
Lecturer in Japanese
School of Languages and Cultures