Paddy Twigg
Paddy Twigg is studying and translating works by Italian writer Italo Calvino.

PhD Candidate in Literary Translation Studies
School of Languages and Cultures
M.B, Ch.B. (Otago 1973), Dip. Obst. (Auckland), FRNZCGP (1987).
B.A. (VUW, 2020)
MICAT (VUW, 2021)
After retiring from general medical practice, Paddy sought a change of direction and commenced studies in Art History and Italian. In the field of Literary Translation, he is now attempting to define where the boundary between a translated text and a new original lies. Looking at works by Italian writer Italo Calvino, he is comparing existing translations and creating his own, bringing this author to a new, contemporary readership.
School of Languages and Cultures
Supervisor of Postgraduate Students
Wellington Uni-Professional|School of Languages and Cultures
Twigg, Paddy, Review: Cesare Pavese. The Moon and the Bonfires. Translated by Tim Parkes (Penguin Classics, 2021), Journal of Italian Translation, Vol. XVI, Number 1 (Spring 2021) pp.376-382.
Twigg, Paddy, ‘Translating Italo Calvino: How Close Reading And Comparisons Can Illuminate Theoretical Principles Of The Translation Process,’ Neke: The New Zealand Journal of Translation Studies, Vol. 3, No.1 (2020).
Twigg, Paddy, ‘The Biological Basis of Culture: Did Nietzsche pre-empt Damasio?,’ Neke: The New Zealand Journal of Translation Studies, Vol. 3, No.1 (2020).