Marcella Zanetti
Marcella's research explores the linguistic, cultural, scholarly and creative dimensions of literary translation.

PhD Candidate in Literary Translation Studies
School of Languages and Cultures
Diploma in Business and Foreign Languages, Technical Institute "Primo Levi", Brescia, Italy
Bachelor’s degree in Linguistic Sciences, Applied Languages and International Relations at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy
Master's degree in Modern Languages for Communication and International Cooperation, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy
During her undergraduate studies, Marcella lived and worked in Germany (Berlin) and Ireland (Dublin) to improve her language and translation skills. Marcella returned to Dublin to undertake archival research for her MA thesis on Seamus Heaney, which led to her PhD in Translation Studies at Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington. Marcella’s research aims to contribute to the growing literature that explores the linguistic and cultural intersections between primary and secondary texts and between creativity and scholarship - a nexus that is at the heart of literary translation as a form of creative writing and literary criticism. Marcella is currently a Teaching Fellow in Italian at VUW and a Tutor in Italian at Circolo Italiano di Wellington.
School of Languages and Cultures
- Seamus Heaney, Sweeney Astray (Archinto 2018) – co-translator
- In Q. 5: Intercontinentale – New Zealand, Poesia Contemporanea Neozelandese, edited by M. Sonzogni, L. Guzzo e J. Ross, in Almanacco dei poeti e della poesia contemporanea n. 7 (2019), by W. Raffaelli e G. Lauretano, Raffaelli Editore, Rimini 2019, pp. 230-232 – translator
- Seamus Heaney, Field Work (Biblion 2019) – research assistant and translation revisor
- Helen Jacobs, Un’abitudine a scrivere (Biblion 2021) – research assistant and translation revisor
- Raids & Settlements. Heaney as Translator (The Cuba Press, 2021) – co-editor
- Seamus Heaney, Speranza e storia (Edizioni il Convivio 2022) – co-editor and co-translator
- The Translations of Seamus Heaney (Faber 2022) – research assistant
- Miglior acque (Samuele Editore, 2022) – research assistant and translation revisor
- Roger Robinson, Un paradiso portatile (Biblion 2022) – research assistant and translation revisor
- Edith Viorst, La gente e altre seccature (Einaudi 2023) – research assistant and translation revisor
- Pontiformi infratuazioni (Biblion 2024) – research assistant and translation revisor