Jason Featherstone-Wright
Jason is investigating the boundary between adaptation and translation through the example of later re-workings of Plautus’ Amphitruo.

PhD Candidate in Literary Translation Studies
School of Languages and Cultures
Bachelor of Arts, Victoria University of Wellington, 2022
Master in Intercultural Communication and Applied Translation (Distinction), Victoria University of Wellington, 2022
Jason is a PhD candidate in Literary Translation Studies. His research investigates approaches to translation and its boundary with adaptation through the example of a comparison of versions of Plautus’ Amphitruo. The play’s wide range of later re-workings – and the equally wide range of adaptive choices there displayed – provide ample room in which to explore the central translation problem of how to adapt a text written for one audience to the tastes of another. The issue is here further complicated by the practicalities of comedic performance in the face both of altered theatrical conventions and changing attitudes towards humour, particularly with regards to the treatment of adultery, pregnancy, and other controversial themes.
Professor of Classics
School of Languages and Cultures
Associate Professor
School of Languages and Cultures