Ashleigh McFall

Ashleigh McFall is researching what it means to be fa‘afafine from the perspectives of those who identify this way.

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PhD Candidate in Pacific Studies
School of Languages and Cultures


Bachelor of Arts (International Relations, Sociology and Gender and Women’s Studies) 2010

Bachelor of Arts with Honours (Gender and Women’s Studies) 2011

Master of Arts (Gender and Women’s Studies) 2014

All qualifications received at Victoria University of Wellington


In honour of her mother’s words, “I’ve lost my boy, I’ve lost my son and I’ve gained a daughter”, Ashleigh’s research focuses on what it means to be fa‘afafine from the perspectives of those who identify this way. Fa‘afafine are the most studied of the various non-binary gender identities in the Pacific. Fa‘afafine have attracted more attention than the whakawāhine of Aotearoa New Zealand, the ‘akava‘ine of the Cook Islands, the mahu of Hawai‘i, the vaka sa lewa lewa of Fiji, the rae-rae of Tahiti, the fakafifine of Niue, and the fakafāfine or fakaleitī of Tonga.

Western researchers have substantially shaped the study of fa‘afafine, particularly in providing western understandings about fa‘afafine. Ashleigh’s research challenges western research that has presented misrepresentations of fa‘afafine. The purpose of her PhD is to undertake research for, by and about fa‘afafine and produce new and valuable alternative knowledge. It is important that there is better knowledge and education of fa‘afafine so that young people who identify as fa‘afafine feel supported, loved and accepted. Ashleigh was born and raised in Titahi Bay, Porirua Wellington. She identifies as a proud Sāmoan fa‘afafine.



Senior Lecturer

Wellington Uni-Professional|School of Languages and Cultures

Associate Professor

School of Education


Chadwick, Seinafolava Sanele and Magele Saint Andrew Matautia, Ashleigh McFall. (2019). "Fa‘afafine in the manner of a woman."

Feu’u, Ashleigh and Briar Misa Turnbull. (2019). "In the Manner’" in Salient: WAN SOLWARA. Issue 17, v. 32, pp. 32-34

Feu’u, Ashleigh. (2017). 'Comparative Study of the fa‘afafine of Samoa and the whakawahine of Aotearoa/New Zealand.' In  E. Hazenberg & M. Meyerhoff (Eds.) Representing Trans: Linguistic, legal and everyday perspectives.

McFall, Ashleigh. (2014). "A comparative study of the fa‘afafine of Samoa and the whakawahine of Aotearoa/New Zealand."

McFall, Ashleigh. (2018).‘When did you first know you were a fa‘afafine?'; E-Tangata 14/10/2018