Samoan│Gagana Sāmoa

Find online resources to help you learn and practise Samoan.


Rays of Sound/'O Tala Tu'u Ma Pese [M]
An audio bookshelf featuring voice recordings of stories in Samoan, from the LLC's own digitized collection. The corresponding books are all available at the LLC.

Sa’ili Mālō - Seeking a Better Life
A series of six stories in the Samoan language told by Samoans who came to Aotearoa New Zealand to seek opportunities and a better life for their families. Covers aspects language, culture, climate, health, religion, food, transport, housing, employment and more. A transcript and translation into English is available.

Sina ma le tuna
Interactive exercises based on Sāmoan Legends created by Galumalemana Hunkin and Edith Paillat.

Dual language audio books
Digital books primarily for children with both Sāmoan and English audio

Samoa Capital Radio [M] and Radio Samoa [M]
Listen to radio in Samoan live or download podcasts of a variety of programmes.

Gagana Sāmoa course book audio
Recommended for SAMO101 Introduction to Samoan Language


Samoa Times
Read about fresh news and current events from the Samoan world.

Samoan language resources
A collection of links to Samoan content on the internet - use it as a springboard to more content.

Grammar and vocabulary│Vaogagana ma le Utugagana

Sāmoan Grammar and Dictionary
Includes grammar, syntax, Chiefs' language, poetry, proverbs, colloquial sentences, and vocabulary.

Digital Dialects, Manuatele
Learn useful basic phrases and vocabulary for travel and everyday situations - includes some audio to help with pronunciation

Samoan culture│Fa'asamoa

Tidal Pools
A large collection of digitised texts on Pacific islands history, language, culture and politics. Includes Myths and Legends of Ancient Samoa (in English), An Introduction to Samoan Custom and Some Folk Songs and Myths from Samoa.

Amerika Samoa
An introduction to the Samoan culture and language from an American Samoan perspective

Savage Symbols
A full length documentary on the art of traditional Samoan tattooing, from NZ on Screen.