
Find online resources to help you learn and practise Italian.

For ITAL courses | Per i corsi di lingua e cultura italiana

Nuovo Progetto italiano
Access online materials/downloads from the 'Materiali per studenti' tab, Nuovo Progetto italiano 1, 2, or 3. New course materials for ITAL101/102 (1), 201/202 (2), and 301/302 (3).

Language learning hubs | Spazi e risorsi adibiti all’apprendimento di lingue straniere

An Italian language learning blog offering a variety of useful resources and sound advice.

Italian exercises, articles, videos and activities which can be searched by level or by topic. Excellent for learning about Italian culture.

BBC Languages Italian
A fantastic website. It includes online courses for beginners, quizzes, grammar, cultural information, and much more. There are also links for intermediate learners too.

Italiano per Stranieri
A fantastic site with lots of different resources and activities. There are graded readers, writing practice and downloadable mp3 content with corresponding exercise sheets. Most activities come with CEFR indicators.

Online Italian Club
Free resources at six levels of competency in all skills. You can sign up to a mailing list of newly uploaded activities.

Listening | Per ascoltare

Listen to how native speakers talk in unprepared, everyday situations including colloquial language, filler words, incomplete sentences speakers not completing their sentences etc. It is authentic and really gives you a feel for the country in which the speaker comes from.
Listen to live streaming radio from Italy, including a wide range of talk back and music stations.

Italian fairy tales
Each fairy tale is narrated in Italian and is between 5 and 15 minutes long in duration. A good listening resource for adults and children alike.

Reading | Per leggere

Incontro Italiano audio magazineAll about Italy in Italian. Online magazine with transcripts, exercises, and free audio downloads.

Writing | Per scrivere

Search for words to see how they are used in a variety of sample sentences. You can also see the translations for these in English.

Grammar and vocabulary | Grammatica e lessico

Pick a topic from the list, and then simultaneously hear the vocabulary when you roll the mouse over the pictures. A fun way to build or revise your vocabulary.

Centro Studi Italiani Electronic Classroom
For grammar and vocabulary.

Culture and news | Cultura e notizie

RAI Play
Has recent TV shows to watch, programmes on various themes, podcasts. Explore the main site RAI radio televisione Italiana. You can also watch news programmes on RaiNews24 (live stream/recent archives), or listen to the radio.

Euronews in italiano
Play clips of the latest international news in Italian, also with the Italian transcript below.

La Repubblica
Online daily newspaper.

Corriere della Sera
One of Italy's most popular daily newspapers, originally released in the evening.  

La Stampa 
Published in Turin, La Stampa is one of Italy's oldest newspapers.

Online magazine.

Dictionaries and reference | Dizionari e riferimenti bibliografici

Online dictionary, Garzanti Linguistica, is ideal for use with Word for your assignments. It is free, but you need to register using your email address and a password.

Collins Italian Dictionary
An online dictionary with a clean and clear interface. Provides examples of words in authentic use. One of the best online dictionaries out there.

Italian Wikipedia
A free encyclopedia that anyone can edit, with a range of articles about almost anything.