Visiting professorship in Classical Studies

The Classics programme is now seeking endowed funding for a Visiting Professorship on the alternative year to deliver a public lecture.

Role of a new Visiting Professor in Classics

We anticipate that the Visiting Professor will contribute over a month to an array of engagement, teaching, and public outreach activities as well as being available to students for informal conversations.

The Visiting Professor will also deliver:

  • a public lecture in Plain English with the broad theme of classical culture and its enduring values
  • a master class for advanced undergraduates and postgraduates, including those from other universities, that instructs students on methods for approaching specific texts, historical, or cultural problems related to the Visiting Professor’s research interests
  • one or two guest lectures in undergraduate classes that are underway at the time of the Visiting Professor’s residence.

An endowed fund will support the Visiting Professorship in Classics in perpetuity

An endowed fund of $300,000 will provide a fund of around $25,000 to deliver the Visiting Professorship in Classics every two years in perpetuity.

Victoria University of Wellington will contribute ongoing operational costs including physical office space and support services such as human resources, finances, library services, and information technology infrastructure.

For more information, contact:

Corinne Barnard

Development Manager

Wellington Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Development Office, Te Kura Tangata


Professor Jeff Tatum

Professor of Classics

School of Languages and Cultures
