Asian Languages and Cultures

Asian Languages and Cultures is a multidisciplinary undergraduate and postgraduate programme consisting of Asian Studies, Chinese and Japanese.

Asia is the wellspring of many of the world’s most enduring and vibrant civilisations. It’s also a region of central political, economic and cultural importance to the affairs of this millennium.

An understanding of Asia, its languages and cultures, has become vital in today’s world, especially within the context of New Zealand’s future in the Asia–Pacific.

Studying Asian Languages and Cultures

Victoria University of Wellington's Asian Languages and Cultures programme embraces its capital city location with strong links to embassies and ministries and across Wellington’s Asian communities, providing valuable learning and networking opportunities for students.

Teaching Asian Studies, Chinese and Japanese, our staff are experts in their fields, who have studied, researched and taught all over the world. From studying Japanese or Chinese language, to courses that provide relevant cultural context such as Asian Histories and Cultures, Japanese Mythology and Contemporary Asian Society, the Asian Languages and Cultures programme will open doors for working in Asia or with Asian people or businesses.

Study abroad

Our Language Study Abroad programme lets you take intensive language courses in Chinese or Japanese at overseas universities during our summer, and gain credit towards your BA.

Studying an Asian language also opens doors to overseas exchanges through Wellington Global Exchange.

Language club

Our Japanese Students' Association club offers opportunities to practice your learning with fellow students and Japanese speakers in a relaxed environment.