2019 News
VATS (Victoria Ancient Theatre Society) presents Aeschylus’ tragedy Agamemnon
VATS (Victoria Ancient Theatre Society) recently presented a very successful short season of Aeschylus’ tragedy Agamemnon, about the Greek king who arrives home victorious from the ten-year-long Trojan War, only to be killed by his vengeful wife.
Tanabata 七夕 2019: Student wishes and favourite Japanese words
Following on from last year’s popular initiative to celebrate the Japanese star festival of Tanabata at our University, the School of Languages and Cultures and the Language Learning Centre joined forces again to put an event on this year as well.
Teresia Teaiwa Memorial Scholarship exceeds fundraising target
Thanks to the generosity of donors, the fundraising goal for the Teresia Teaiwa Memorial Scholarship Fund has now been exceeded—with more than $280,000 raised.
Akamai XIX - The creative and performance-based assessment option for students in PASI 101.
Samoan Language Week 2019
‘Lalaga le si‘osi‘omaga mo se lumana‘i manuia’ – Weave an environment for a better future’
2019 NZCLT annual lecture & symposium
The co-hosted Film Subtitling symposium with special guest, Professor Jorge Diaz-Cintas, proves major success with a full audience at Wellington City Gallery’s Adam Auditorium.
In conversation with Carla Guelfenbein
The School of Languages and Cultures and the Embassy of Chile, in partnership with the Auckland Writers Festival, and in collaboration with the New Zealand Centre for Literary Translation and NEKE (The NZ Journal of Translation Studies) welcomed award-winning Chilean author Carla Guelfenbein to a lunchtime conversation on 9 May.
Inaugural Teresia Teaiwa Memorial Scholarship awarded
Alilia Tupou is the inaugural recipient of the Victoria University of Wellington Teresia Teaiwa Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship in Pacific Studies.