2017 News

  • Four copies of new book, Florilegio di Poesia Neozelandese Contemporanea—Best New Zealand Poems (2015) Italian edition.

    Kiwi poetry on Italian stage

    Victoria University’s Wai-te-ata Press and the New Zealand Centre for Literary Translation (NZCLT) have launched Florilegio di Poesia Neozelandese Contemporanea—Best New Zealand Poems (2015) Italian edition, translated by Francesca Benocci.

  • A field of red poppy flowers with a background of sunlight.

    PhD student contributes to Anzac Day commemorations

    Anzac Day 2017 commemorations on RNZ National included an interview with School of Languages and Cultures' PhD student, Roger Smith, talking about the MA project he completed last year—a study of the reception in German and English of the 1914 poem by Ernst Lissauer "A Chant of Hate Against England."

  • Dr Emerald King, dressed in a golden robe, with a sword over her white-wigged head, as Kogitsunemaru from Toukenranbu.

    From cosplay champ to guest judge

    Dr Emerald King from the School of Languages and Cultures is the current Madman National Cosplay Champion and was recently a guest judge at the Madman National Cosplay Championship, held at AICon 2017 in Tasmania.

  • Lecturer Marco Sonzogni and postgraduate student Rory McKenzie stand in front of a leafy green backdrop.

    The translation business

    The School of Languages and Cultures and Viclink are working together to transform language skills into a business that could generate jobs for students and add real value for Victoria University.