Undergraduate student and alumni profiles
Soing Kim - Bachelor of Commerce in Information Systems

After finishing high school, I knew that I wanted to study something IT related at Uni. What drew me to information systems was being able to be the intermediary between two sets of parties – the developers and the business stakeholders. INFO101 was the best 100-level paper that I took in my first year. It gave me a good sneak peek into what information systems was all about and the opportunities there were by studying it. Not only will a graduate learn the in-demand IT skills, they will also develop non-IT skills that will benefit them in their future studies and in the work place. INFO320 in my final year really gave me a taste of what real life was about. Working within a team with a real project and real client (as-opposed to a case study from a textbook) allowed me to put into practice everything that I had learned in INFO.
The best thing about the INFO major is that you can be as technical or as non-technical as you want. The range of courses offered at SIM allows you to choose your own path but still learn the skills that are crucial to everyday organisations. The courses challenge you to think differently and teach you when to have a macro or micro view on the system and organisation.
The School of Information Management also give students an opportunity to become tutors in courses that they have enjoyed and done well in. This was one of the most valuable experience that I had when I was a student. Being able to work with like-minded people and to help others learn more about INFO was a highlight of my University years.
Having graduated and worked as a Senior Tutor at SIM, I was glad that I chose to study INFO. The things that you learn will set you up for life and help with your job prospects. I highly recommend INFO to those that enjoy working with technology and want to learn how it plays a part in our everyday lives.
Pouaka (Pou) Parore - Ngāti Whātua, Ngāti Porou, Ngāpuhi - Bachelor of Commerce in Information Systems, Economics, Management

I chose to study at Victoria University of Wellington because I wanted to attend a university where I felt at home. I also wanted to meet like-minded people to foster learning while immersing myself in cultures that only Wellington can provide. Relationships created while being part of the Maori and Pacifika outreach group gave me an instant support network that helped with the transition into tertiary education.
I remember attending my first INFO 101 lecture - I thought I was attending FCOM but I got the time wrong. In INFO 101 I developed a website which was something I had never done before. The sense of achievement from creating a website was unreal and fuelled my passion for Information Systems.
The 1st year of study was really challenging but was also one of the best years of my life. The highlights were achieving an A+ for an assignment and creating new friendships - I wouldn’t trade these experiences for anything. The university provides me with an environment that fosters learning and encourages success.
Laura Arteaga - Bachelor of Commerce in Information Systems

I come from Buenos Aires in Argentina. I’ve always loved technology and I like the idea of being the go-between for technical and business decision-makers. Information Systems attracted me because it is a promising market with many opportunities.
My advice for new students is to always ask for help. There are no wrong questions, and building relationships with your tutors, lecturers or any staff member at University is an important life skill. They will guide you on the best way to deal with any issues. When I came to New Zealand, I didn’t speak any English and, looking back, having finished a degree in my second language feels surreal. Victoria University of Wellington has afforded me the opportunity to become a new person through both my studies and tutoring. I’ve enjoyed interacting with the first-year students and being able to provide guidance with their degrees.
When I arrived in Wellington the first time, I was on my way to the South Island and was meant to stay in the city for only two days—I ended up staying for two-and-a-half years. You can walk everywhere, there is the highest number of coffee shops per capita and the cultural offerings are vast. I love Wellington’s stress-free vibe, with everyone so relaxed and friendly.
Anna Batchelar - Bachelor of Commerce in Information Systems, Marketing and Public Policy

After a year abroad, I started studying Public Policy and French but after taking the first year marketing paper I switched to a commerce degree. I decided to take Information Systems (INFO) as a major as over the summer I took an interesting INFO paper involving social media. I became intrigued about what completing the major could offer me and how it could back up my other majors.
Information Systems offers an interesting mix of options that do not just involve sitting at a computer and typing out some code. There is a real people side to the programme and that is what I have really enjoyed about the major. The programme provides some knowledgeable lecturers and the tutors are careful in helping you understand some of the complex concepts that arise.
I am a representative for students on Victoria Commerce Student’s Society (VicCom) and have enjoyed tutoring the 100-level INFO paper.
What initially drew me to study at the University was the fact that it meant I could live in Wellington. I think that Wellington has all the good qualities of a well-established big city and, as well as the benefits of living in a small town, everyone is well connected and everything is central.
I am applying for graduate jobs in advertising but also preparing to spend a year abroad in San Francisco.