PhD graduates

Consult the list of completed theses by PhD research students in the School of Information Management.

All theses are available online via the Library.

Dean's Doctoral Award recipients

The following students were recipients of the Dean’s Doctoral Award.

Award winner for 2016

Award winners for 2015

Award winner for 2014

Award winner for 2012

PhDs completed in 2022

Dr Yevgenia (Jane) Li
Co-evolution of social media crises.
Supervisors:Dr Jean-Gregoire Bernard and Dr Markus Luczak-Roesch

PhDs completed in 2021

Dr Kingsley Ihejirika
Social Media Strategies for Marketing in University Libraries: Undergraduate User Attitudes and Motivation for Engagement
Supervisors: Prof Anne Goulding & Dr Philip Calvert

Dr Cameron Pierson
Factors influencing professional identity development and negotiation of public librarians in Aotearoa New Zealand
Supervisors: Prof Anne Goulding & Dr Jennifer Campbell-Meier

Dr Rodreck David
Formation of inter-organisational platforms.
Supervisors: Dr Jean-Gregoire Bernard, Dr Markus Luczak-Roesch and Professor Benoit Aubert (HRA)

PhDs completed in 2020

Dr Kathryn Oxborrow
“It's not just a professional development thing”: Non-Māori librarians in Aotearoa New Zealand making sense of mātauranga Māori
Supervisors: Prof Anne Goulding & Associate Professor Spencer Lilley

Dr Iva Seto
Expert advisory groups: Exploring the sensemaking process during a public health crisis response
Supervisors: Dr David Johnstone & Dr Jennifer Campbell-Meier

PhDs completed in 2019

Dr Lauren Bennett
Technology in the classroom: Exploring the experience of secondary students using activity theory
Supervisors: Associate Professor Janet Toland & Dr Bronwyn Howell

Dr Winifred Bentil
Electronic Resource Management and Usage in Academic Libraries: The Ghanaian Context
Supervisors: Dr Chern-Li Liew & Dr Brenda Chawner

Dr Ijeoma Ushaka
An exploratory design science study on theory testing using crowdsourcing
Supervisors: Associate Professor Pedro Antunes & Dr David Johnstone

PhDs completed in 2018

Dr Rashidah Bolhassan
Safeguarding Sarawak's intangible cultural heritage: A knowledge management approach
Supervisors: Dr Dan Dorner & Dr Jocelyn Cranefield

Dr Chommanaad Boonaree
Factors affecting reading for pleasure practices in Community Libraries in Thailand
Supervisors: Professor Anne Goulding & Dr Philip Calvert

Dr Haibo Yang
In a quest to solve Information System agility problems: A SaaS experience
Supervisors: Associate Professor Pedro Antunes & Dr David Johnstone

PhDs completed in 2017

Dr U.G.D. Lakshila Dilhani Perera Abeysekara
Business value of ICT for small tourism enterprises: The case of Sri Lanka
Supervisors: Dr Janet Toland & Dr Christian Schott

Dr Arif Ali
The development of the learning exchange School clusters in New Zealand: An actor network theory and complexity theory analysis
Supervisors: Emeritus Professor Pak Yoong (HRA) & Dr Allan Sylvester
Please contact Arif to discuss any aspects of this research at

Dr Amitha Kumara Padukkage Don Kaushal
The impact of environmental uncertainty on business–IT alignment: A study in Sri Lanka
Supervisors: Dr Janet Toland & Associate Professor Val Hooper

Dr Syahida Binti Hassan
Motivations for virtual community participation in social commerce: Customers and sellers in the Malay lifestyle blogging community
Supervisors: Dr Janet Toland & Associate Professor Mary Tate

Dr Kay Sanderson
Digital materiality, heritage objects, the emergence of evidence, and the design of knowledge enabling systems
Supervisors: Dr Sydney Shep & Dr Dan Dorner

PhDs completed in 2016

Dr Geetha Kanaparan
Self-efficacy and engagement as predictors of student programming performance: An international perspective
Supervisors: Emeritus Professor Rowena Cullen & Dr David Mason

Dr Fahimi Md Ali
Cross-boundary information sharing by knowledge brokers during a disaster
Supervisors: Emeritus Professor Pak Yoong & Dr Jean-Grégoire Bernard

Dr Quang Nguyen
The relationship between enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation and intellectual capital under moderating effect of organizational learning capability
Supervisors: Dr Philip Calvert ; Professor Benoit Aubert & Associate Professor Mary Tate

Dr Thuan Hoang Nguyen
Establish crowdsourcing as an organizational business process: A design science approach
Supervisors: Associate Professor Pedro Antunes & Dr David Johnstone
Thuan's personal page at Google Scholar

Dr Alireza Nili
Digital service problems: Prevention and user persistence in solving them
Supervisors: Dr David Johnstone; Associate Professor Mary Tate & Professor Guy Gable (HRA)

Dr Isaac Kenechukwu Ohaji
Research Data Management: An exploration of the data librarian role in New Zealand research organisations
Supervisors: Emeritus Professor Pak Yoong & Dr Brenda Chawner

Dr Edgar Pacheco
Vision impairment and the transition to University education: The role of ICTs
Supervisors: Professor Miriam Lips & Emeritus Professor Pak Yoong

Dr Nishanie Priyanga De Silva Senapathy Pereira
Exploring the use of ICTs in non-profit sector organisations: Supporting the third act
Supervisors: Dr Janet Toland & Emeritus Professor Rowena Cullen

Dr Ahmed Shuhaiber
Factors influencing customer trust in B2C mobile payment: A cultural study of the United Arab of Emirates
Supervisors: Associate Professor Hans Lehmann; Senior Lecturer Tony Hooper & Associate Professor Val Hooper

PhDs completed in 2015

Dr Balsam Nabil Al-Dabbagh
The effect of ICT connectivity on individual work productivity: Investigating the influence of ICT self-discipline
Supervisors: Dr Eusebio Scornavacca; Dr Allan Sylvester & Associate Professor Val Hooper (Victoria University of Wellington Supervisor)

Dr Hung Van Do
Contextual factors affecting the development of Digital Library Education in Vietnam
Supervisors: Dr Dan Dorner & Dr Philip Calvert

Dr Hugo Xiaoyi Gong
E-campaigning: An empirical study of the utilisation of ICTs for election campaigning in the 2008 New Zealand General Election
Supervisors:  Professor Miriam Lips  & Associate Professor Mary Tate

Dr Matthew Lewellen
The impact of the perceived value of records on the use of electronic recordkeeping systems
Supervisors: Associate Professor Val Hooper & Associate Professor Gillian Oliver

Dr Namali Suraweera
E-learning in Information Management (IM) education in Sri Lanka: An examination of contextual issues
Supervisors: Dr Chern Li Liew & Dr Jocelyn Cranefield

PhDs completed in 2014

Dr Jamal Al Salmi
Electronic theses and dissertations programmes in the Arab Gulf States: Exploring factors affecting their adoption and development
Supervisors: Dr Chern Li Liew & Dr Brenda Chawner
Please contact Jamal to discuss any aspects of this research at

Dr Eric Boamah
Towards effective management and preservation of digital cultural heritage resources: An exploration of contextual factors in Ghana
Supervisors: Dr Dan Dorner & Associate Professor Gillian Oliver
Please contact Eric to discuss any aspects of this research at

Dr Kévin Daniel André Carillo
Participation in Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) communities: An individual learning perspective
Supervisors: Emeritus Professor Sid Huff & Dr Brenda Chawner

Dr Saidatul Akmar Ismail
Factors affecting the implementation of information literacy education in Malaysian primary schools
Supervisors: Dr Dan Dorner & Associate Professor Gillian Oliver

Dr Van Tran Bao Le
On the discovery of semantically meaningful SQL constraints from Armstrong samples: Foundations, implementation, and evaluation
Supervisors: Professor Sebastian Link (HRA); Dr Flavio Ferrarotti (HRA) & Dr David Mason

Dr Nicole Kristine Henika Braun
An exploration of the factors influencing home users' cybersecurity behaviours
Supervisors: Associate Professor Val Hooper & Dr Dan Dorner

Dr Nicole Gaston
Contextualising information behaviour: The example of Laos
Supervisors: Dr Dan Dorner & Dr David Johnstone
Please contact Nicole to discuss any aspects of this research at

Dr Marta Vos
RFID on the boundary between the public and private sectors: An ANT/Institutional Theory
Supervisors: Emeritus Professor Rowena Cullen & Dr Jocelyn Cranefield

PhDs completed in 2013

Dr Mohamed Kinaanath
The use of ICT and e-Education in developing higher education for Small Island Developing States (SIDS): The case of Maldives
Supervisors: Associate Professor Hans Lehmann & Senior Lecturer Alastair Smith

Dr Selenge Nergui
Understanding the effectiveness of cross-cultural video-mediated communication
Supervisors: Dr Brian Harmer & Senior Lecturer Alastair Smith

PhDs completed in 2012

Dr Diane Strode
Coordination in agile software development projects
Supervisors: Emeritus Professor Sid Huff & Associate Professor Sebastian Link
Please contact Diane to discuss any aspects of this research at

Dr Allan Sylvester
An investigation into organisational learning by public officials creating and maintaining multi-channel service delivery information systems in the New Zealand public sector
Supervisors: Dr Beverley Hope & Professor Miriam Lips

PhDs completed in 2011

Dr Hartmut Hoehle
Consumer intentions to use electronic banking channels: The role of task channel fit
Supervisors: Associate Professor Hans Lehmann & Emeritus Professor Sid Huff

Dr Carmel Joe
Retaining the knowledge of older experts in an organisational context and the role of ICT
Supervisors: Emeritus Professor Pak Yoong & Dr Brian Harmer

Dr Tony Thistoll
A grounded theory of preneurial agency in technology creation
Supervisors: Associate Professor Val Hooper & Emeritus Professor Pak Yoong

Dr Sally Jansen van Vuuren
Inter-organisational knowledge sharing in the public sector: The role of social capital and information and communication technology
Supervisors: Professor David Pauleen & Emeritus Professor Sid Huff

PhDs completed in 2010

Dr Jocelyn Cranefield
Online communities of practice and professional change: A three-tier view of the knowledge embedding process
Supervisors: Emeritus Professor Pak Yoong & Emeritus Professor Sid Huff

Dr Maria Molina
Digital genre: A mechanism for knowledge sharing and reuse in business clusters
Supervisors: Emeritus Professor Pak Yoong & Associate Professor Hans Lehmann

Dr Florence Muinde
Investigation of factors affecting the adoption of Information and Communication Technologies for communication of research output in research institutions in Kenya
Supervisors: Professor Gary Gorman & Dr Chern Li Liew

Dr Silke Retzer
Inter-organisational knowledge transfer among research and development organisations: Implications for information and communication technology support
Supervisors: Emeritus Professor Pak Yoong & Associate Professor Val Hooper

Dr Julie Watson
Transitioning Peer Consulting: A technology-in-practice approach
Supervisors: Emeritus Professor Pak Yoong & Emeritus Professor Sid Huff

PhDs completed in 2009

Dr Lanthom Jonjoubsong
An integrated knowledge management model for community enterprises: A case study of a rural community enterprise in Thailand
Supervisors: Professor Gary Gorman & Dr Brian Harmer

Dr Hong Sinh Nguyen
A contextual model for planning continuing education programmes for university library practitioners in Vietnam
Supervisors: Professor Gary Gorman & Dr Dan Dorner

Dr Kate Thornton
Blended action learning: Supporting leadership learning in the New Zealand ECE sector
Supervisors: Emeritus Professor Pak Yoong & Professor Cedric Hall

PhDs completed in 2008

Dr Andreas Schroeder
KM Governance: An exploratory study of the structures, processes and relational mechanisms which guide and direct organisational KM programs
Supervisors: Professor David Pauleen & Emeritus Professor Sid Huff

PhDs completed in 2007

Dr Brent Coker
Predicting internet product purchase intention: Theoretical reasoning and empirical results
Supervisors: Dr Beverley Hope & Associate Professor Nicholas Ashill

Dr Pramila Devi
An ICT-based distance education model: An evaluation of ICT-based modes at the University of the South Pacific
Supervisors: Emeritus Professor Rowena Cullen & Dr Lex McDonald

Dr Lan Anh Tran
Public Libraries and Community Information networks in New Zealand: An assessment and evaluation of practice
Supervisors: Dr Dan Dorner & Dr Colin Jeffcoat

PhDs completed in 2006

Dr Young Mi Jeon
Communication models of adolescent religious education on the internet in a global age
Supervisors: Emeritus Professor Rowena Cullen & Dr Joseph Bulbulia

Masters by Thesis (MCom/MCA/MA) Graduates

Azim Ali
A multi-method study of the impact of SAP in a large organisation
MCom degree awarded with Merit
Supervisor: Associate Professor Mary Tate

Vizaad Ali
Factors affecting the adoption of information and communication technology in the tourism sector of the Maldives
MCom degree
Supervisors: Professor Benoit Aubert ; Dr Janet Toland; Emeritus Professor Rowena Cullen

Paul Atkinson
"It isn't all about you": The management of ICT and non-ICT information resources via human information behaviour
MCA degree awarded with Merit
Supervisor: Associate Professor Mary Tate

Philip Coffey
Factors and consumer attitudes that affect the sustainable management of used mobile phones: A repertory grid analysis
MCom degree awarded with Distinction
Supervisor: Dr Janet Toland

Jennifer Fang
Developing ontological evaluation methodology: Cognitive measure of quality
MCA degree awarded with Distinction
Supervisor: Dr Joerg Evermann

Dennis Buberwa Ishumi
End-user awareness of and adherence to crisis preparedness of the Information Systems in New Zealand organisations
MCom degree
Supervisor: Dr Philip Calvert

Retisa Mutiaradevi
Measuring e-learning readiness across the Forestry Research and Development Agency (FORDA) of Indonesia
MCA degree awarded with Merit
Supervisor: Emeritus Professor Pak Yoong

Joanna Newman
Community archives: Factors in sustainability
MA degree
Supervisor: Associate Professor Gillian Oliver