
Welcome to the School of Information Management / Te Kura Tiaki, Whakawhiti Kōrero.

The School of Information Management (SIM) is part of Wellington School of Business and Government and aims to produce professionals equipped to use a range of technologies to store, organise, retrieve, and disseminate information in business, government, library, and academic organisations.

Our graduates have a strong focus on the need to manage people as well as technology and information, and this interdisciplinary approach is reflected in the makeup of the School's disciplines.

SIM combines teaching and research in a number of related areas:

  • Information Management
  • Information Systems
  • Library and Information Studies
  • Archives and Records Management
  • Business Analysis

Within these disciplines you can study for a full range of degrees, taught and supervised by highly qualified and experienced academics:

  • Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
  • Bachelor of Science (BSc)
  • BCom Honours (BCom(Hons))
  • Master of Commerce (MCom)
  • Master of Arts (MA) by research
  • Master of Professional Business Analysis (MBusAn)
  • Information Studies (IST) programmes, including the Master of Information Studies (MIS)
  • Doctoral study (PhD)

SIM has significant numbers of students at all levels, which is a good indicator of our reputation as a provider of high quality education in our respective disciplines.

Information systems and technology underpin many aspects of daily life. No matter what your field of endeavour within the broad field of Information Management, you will find this a stimulating and rewarding environment in which to study.

SIM's Māori name

Te Kura Tiaki, Whakawhiti Kōrero: the Māori name for the School of Information Management which means "the management and exchange of information".

Bicultural objectives

The School is aware of its key role in the professional education of information specialists in New Zealand, and aims, in its course structures and content, to include an awareness of the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and the ways in which it can be implemented in the information professions.

The bicultural aspects of the various SIM programmes are integrated into the course in two ways: some programmes offer specific classes relating to biculturalism in New Zealand, while most address the question in core courses as appropriate.

Related University sites

For further information relating to Māori studies, visit the School of Māori Studies / Te Kawa a Māui.

Toihuarewa offers a forum for Māori academic issues, and the social and cultural dimensions at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington.