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Photo of Dr Allan Sylvester


Allan Sylvester

Associate Dean Students

School of Information Management

Orcid identifier0000-0003-3262-6780
  • Associate Dean Students
    School of Information Management
  • +6444636813 (Work)
  • RH 927, Rutherford House, 23 Lambton Quay, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand


Allan started in radio, electronics and IT technology service delivery; operated his own IT businesses from the mid 1980’s to 2000’s. He provided and managed training services, software development, network design and build, and technical support services. During this time he was an enthusiastic early internet adopter and innovator. Allan has consulted on network infrastructure, support services and consults to government and private organisations.

In the last decade Allan has been involved in academic pursuits and provides teaching and research on the impact of technology on people and organisations.

He has a track record of supporting and being involved in communities of practice in education, has been a school board trustee and carries out research on digital divides and literacy working with marginalised communities.


  • BCA
    Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
  • BCA (Hons)
    Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
  • PhD
    Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand


  • Masters Research or PhD student supervision