Self-controlled connectivity good for workplace?
Research by a Victoria Business School graduate is already gaining attention from Google, Microsoft and Australian academics.
Research by a Victoria Business School graduate is already gaining attention from Google, Microsoft and Australian academics.
VBS professional staff recognised in annual PGSA awardsCongratulations to Victoria Business School professional staff Usha Varatharaju and Rachel Qi, who were both acknowledged at the annual PGSA Victorias Award event.
Congratulations to VBS researcher Dr Mary Tate, who has been awarded $298,000 from the Australian Research Council to investigate how people perceive digital services and what factors could optimise their experience.
The School of Information Management began offering a Master in Business Analysis in July 2016. The new degree is part of the Wellington ICT Graduate School's suite of practically-focused postgraduate programmes that will equip graduates with the skills and attributes sought by industry.
Congratulations to the top-performing students in INFO 101 who have picked up Intergen Young Achiever awards.
Matt Lewellen, School of Information Management graduand, conducted research on why many public servants baulk at the idea of robust electronic recordkeeping.
Dr. Janet Toland wins Association of Computing Machinery History Fellowship 2015
School of Information Management Student, Wasim Talim, fills a gap in apps for education