Thesis Boot Camp a success for SIM PhD students
On the weekend of Friday 10 October to Sunday 12 October 2014, School of Information Management PhD students Edgar Pacheco and Nishanie Pereira attended Victoria University's inaugural Thesis Boot Camp, organised by the Faculty of Graduate Research.

On the weekend of Friday, 10 October to Sunday, 12 October 2014, School of Information Management PhD students Edgar Pacheco and Nishanie Pereira attended Victoria University's inaugural Thesis Boot Camp, organised by the Faculty of Graduate Research.
29 hours of writing time was packed into one weekend. Every time students wrote 5,000 words they were given a building block (one more step towards a completed PhD). Edgar wrote over 8,000 words and finished his conclusion while Nishanie managed an amazing 15,000 words and finished her discussion chapter.
The Thesis Boot Camp initiative was developed by the University of Melbourne, and has since run successfully at Australian National University and RMIT University. Find out more about the idea here.