
Jocelyn’s research focuses on the intersection of human behaviour, organisational change, and information systems. Areas of special interest include leadership of sustainable smart cities, how IT and information use are impacting on the knowledge and skill base of professions, and the role of online communities and social networks in driving normative change.

Jocelyn’s research has been published in journals including JAIS, CAIS and Knowledge and Process Management, and she regularly presents at international information systems conferences. She is also the NZ country lead for the World IT Project, a global in-depth study of IT professionals.

Jocelyn has a professional background spanning television directing, visitor experience planning, learning design, and educational publishing. Her prior experience includes roles as a manager, senior manager, and consultant. From 2014-2018 Jocelyn was director of the Master of Information Management programme.


BA(Hons) Otago, PGDipBrC Auck, MIM PhD Well

Administrative responsibilities


Jocelyn's current research is based at the intersection of knowledge transfer and organisational change. It focuses on understanding the mechanisms through which information systems, and social technologies in particular, can be used to promote the embedding of transformative knowledge in organisations, individuals and systems. She is also investigating broader issues in the areas of IS research relevance and interpretive methods.

Selected publications

Cranefield, J., Yoong, P., & Huff, S. L. (2015). Rethinking lurking: Invisible leading and following in a knowledge transfer ecosystem. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 16(4), 213.

Cranefield, Jocelyn; Oliver, Gillian; and Pries-Heje, Jan (2018). Political Satire and the Counter-framing of Public Sector IT Project Escalation. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 43, Article 7.

Antunes, P., & Cranefield, J. (2017). Coordination and simplexity in modelling air traffic control as a service: The case of NAV Portugal. Knowledge and Process Management, 24(4), 277-286.

Gordon, M. E., & Cranefield, J. (2017). Technology Knowledge in Marketing Ecosystems: a Framework and Research Agenda. In Proceedings of the 28th Australasian Conference on Information Systems 2012, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. December 2017.

McGillicuddy, A., Bernard, J., Cranefield. J. (2016). Controlling Bad Behavior in Online Communities: An Examination of Moderation Work. Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Dublin 2016.

Smith, R. & Cranefield. J. (2017). Having Skin in the Game: A Value Tension Study of an Inter-Agency IT Project. Proceedings of the 25thEuropean Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2016), Guimaraes, Portugal, 5-10 June 2017.

Vos, M. & Cranefield. J. (2017). RFID systems on the boundary between public and private sectors: an ANT study of multiplicity. Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2017), Guimaraes, Portugal, 5-10 June 2017.

Cranefield, J., Robertson, O., & Oliver, G. (2014). Value in the mash: Exploring the benefits, barriers and enablers of open data apps.Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2014).

Cranefield, J., & Yoong, P. (2007). The role of the translator/interpreter in knowledge transfer environments. Knowledge and Process Management, 14(2), 95-103.

Cranefield, J., Yoong, P., & Huff, S. L. (2011). Driving Change Through Brokering Practices In An Online Community Ecosystem. In Proceedings of The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Brisbane, 2011.