Dr Malcolm Ingham research interests centre on the use of electrical and electromagnetic techniques to investigate environmental and geophysical problems.

Simon Lamb
Assoc Prof Simon Lamb joined the group in 2012, he has a 50% position in tectonics funded from a Marsden grant. Simon has expertise in structural geology, geodesy and tectonics.
Prof Tim Little is a structural geologist whose work focuses on neotectonic and paleoseismic studies of active faults, and deep-seated tectonic deformation processes.

Jim Mcgregor
Dr James McGregor is a meteorologist working in global weather model verification and region climate studies.
Associate Professor in Engineering Mathematics
School of Mathematics and Statistics
Dr Dimitrios Mitsotakis is interested in the theory and modelling of water waves. He studies real-world applications such as the generation and propagation of tsunamis. Some of his main contributions are in the theory of Boussinesq systems for nonlinear and dispersive water waves. He has also developed numerical models for the simulation of the generation and propagation of tsunami waves and the dispersive run-up. He is also interested in interfacial water waves and waves in superfluids.
Prof Mark McGuinness research interests include modelling the growth of Antarctic sea ice, modelling processes in Surtseyan volcanic eruptions, modelling the growth of sand dunes, modelling consolidation in latrines, modelling two-phase flow in geothermal wells, and contributing to problems that arise in Mathematics in Industry Study Groups.
School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences
Prof Martha Savage is an earthquake seismologist specialising in analysis of seismic anisotropy and volcano seismology.
Emeritus Prof Euan Smith is a seismologist who is an expert on earthquakes and geodesy.
Prof Tim Stern works with active source seismic methods and also does research on basin analysis. He has jointly coordinated several large-scale crustal structure projects, including the NZ/US South Island Geophysical Transect (SIGHT) and the NZ/US/Japan Seismic Array Hikurangi Experiment (SAHKE).
Professor of Geophysics and Tectonics
School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences
Assoc Prof Rupert Sutherland works in tectonic processes at both large and small scales.In global-scale processes includes analysis of marine geophysical and geological constraints on mantle convection and plate tectonics. In crustal-scale tectonic processes includes studies of active faulting, landscape, and earthquake processes.
Professor of Geophysics
School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences
Assoc Prof John Townend has expertise in fault mechanics, ambient noise analysis, and microearthquake seismology, and co-leads the Deep Fault Drilling Project. John has held the position of EQC Fellow in Seismic Studies since 2003.

Gillian Turner
Assoc Prof Gillian Turner research involves the Earth’s magnetic field, particularly its polarity reversals and secular variation, and what they mean for the geodynamo in Earth’s cor.
Senior Lecturer in Geophysics
School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences