Publications - Ralph Chapman
If you are interested in any item that is not readily obtainable here, please contact Assoc. Prof Ralph Chapman
Hasan, M. A., Frame, D. J., Chapman, R., & Archie, K. M. (2019). Emissions from the road transport sector of New Zealand: key drivers and challenges. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-21.
Chapman, R. (2019) Managing the transition to a climate-neutral economy in cities and regions. OECD background paper for the morning “frontier thinking” panel; Seminar on Managing Environmental and Energy Transitions for Regions and Cities. Paris: OECD [contact author]
Chapman, R., Bennett, M., & Howden-Chapman, P. (2019). Scope for building performance provisions to advance building sustainability and environmental performance in New Zealand. Working Paper for the National Science Challenge 11, Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities [contact author]
Chapman, R., Howden-Chapman, P., Randal, E., & Ombler, J. (2019). Submission to the Environment Select Committee on the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill. Wellington: New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities.
Chapman, R. (2019) Climate explained: why we need to cut emissions as well as prepare for impacts. The Conversation, 21 August.
Keall, M., Shaw, C., Chapman, R. and P. Howden-Chapman (2018), ‘Reductions in carbon dioxide emissions from an intervention to promote cycling and walking: a case study from New Zealand.’ Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.
Keall, M., Chapman, R., Shaw, C., Abrahamse, W., & Howden-Chapman, P. (2018). Are people who already cycle and walk more responsive to an active travel intervention? J of Transport and Health.
Chapman, R. (2018) Cycling and the city: Learning from the ACTIVE study. NZ Centre for Sustainable Cities seminar, ‘Can Cycling Save the City?’ Wellington, September.
Chapman, R., Keall, M., Howden-Chapman, P., Grams, M., Witten, K., Randal, E., & Woodward, A. (2018). A Cost Benefit Analysis of an Active Travel Intervention with Health and Carbon Emission Reduction Benefits. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(5), pp 962.
Archie, K., Chapman, R., & Flood, S. (2018). Climate change response in New Zealand communities: Local scale adaptation and mitigation planning. Environmental Development.
Chapman, R. (2018) Access and land use: a brief exploration. New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities Policy Paper. (A commissioned thinkpiece for the New Zealand Ministry of Transport.) Wellington: New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities. April.
Chapman, R., Howden-Chapman, P., Randal, E., & Ombler, J. (2018). Submission to Ministry for the Environment on ‘Our Climate Your Say: Consultation on the Zero Carbon Bill’.
Randal, E., Shaw, C., Chapman, R., & colleagues. (2018). Submission by the NZ Centre for Sustainable Cities to the New Zealand Productivity Commission on the draft ‘Low-emissions economy’ report (April).
Chapman, R., Howden-Chapman, P., Woodward, A., Witten, K., & Randal, E. (2018). Submission to the Tax Working Group on The Future of Tax.
Chapman, R., Preval, N., & Howden-Chapman, P. (2017). How Economic Analysis Can Contribute to Understanding the Links between Housing and Health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14,
Dodge, N., & Chapman, R. (2017). Investigating recruitment and completion mode biases in online and door to door electronic surveys. International Journal of Social Research Methodology (7 June), 1-15
Chapman, R., P. Howden-Chapman, K. Whitwell and A. Thomas (2017). "Towards zero carbon? Constrained policy action in two New Zealand cities." Australasian Journal of Environmental Management 24(2): 97-116.
Howden-Chapman, P., Siri, J., Chisholm, E., Chapman, R., Doll, C., and Capon, A. (2017). SDG3: Ensure Healthy Lives and Promote Well-being for All at All Ages (Part 3). A Guide to SDG Interactions: From Science to Implementation. International Council for Science. Paris, International Council for Science.
Blaschke, P., Chapman, R., Randal, E., & Preval, N. (2017). Does population density affect access to and satisfaction with urban green and open spaces? A review for the Resilient Urban Futures programme strand on compact and dispersed development. Wellington: New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities
Chapman, R., Sobiecki, L., Randal, E., and Howden-Chapman, P. (2017). Submission to Wellington City Council on car sharing facilitation. Wellington, NZ Centre for Sustainable Cities.
Shaw, C., Keall, M., Randal, E., Chapman, R., and Howden-Chapman, P. (2017) Submission on Draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport 2018/2019 – 2027/2028. Wellington New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities,
Chapman, R., Howden-Chapman, P., & Capon, A. (2016). ). Understanding the systemic nature of cities to improve health and climate change mitigation Environment international, 94(September), 380–387.
Adams, M., and Chapman, R. (2016) Do denser urban areas save on infrastructure? Evidence from New Zealand territorial authorities. Policy Quarterly, 12, 4 (November), 63-70.
Preval, N., Randal, E., Chapman, R.., Moores, J., & Howden-Chapman, P. (2016). ). Streamlining urban housing development: Are there environmental sustainability impacts? Cities, 55, 101-112.
Holmes, F., Chapman, R., & Dodge, N. (2016). People’s Panel Survey – Auckland Neighbourhood, Housing and Travel Preferences. Auckland and Wellington: Auckland Council, and the NZ Centre for Sustainable Cities.
Sobiecki, L., & Chapman, R. (2016). The Future of Wellington's Bus Fleet; The environmental and health implications of different upgrade options for Wellington’s bus fleet. Wellington: NZ Centre for Sustainable Cities.
Chapman, R., Renwick, J., & Dodge, N. (2016). Submission to the NZ Ministry for the Environment on the ETS review 2016. Wellington: NZ Centre for Sustainable Cities.
Chapman, R. (2016). Submission by the NZ Centre for Sustainable Cities to the Ministry for the Environment on a proposed NPS on urban development capacity. Wellington: New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities
Chapman, R., and Dodge, N. (2016) Urban intensification and policies to reduce GHG emissions: an analysis of the Productivity Commission’s argument. Submission to the New Zealand Productivity Commission on the ‘Better Urban Planning Draft Report’. Wellington, NZ Centre for Sustainable Cities.
Chapman, R., & Howden-Chapman, P. (2016). Submission by the NZ Centre for Sustainable Cities on Wellington City Council’s Draft Low Carbon Capital Plan (as contained in the WCC’s Annual Plan 2016/17). Wellington, NZ Centre for Sustainable Cities.
Wilson, N., Shaw, C., Nhung, N., Blakely, T., and Chapman, R. (2016). Tax Reform Pros & Cons: A Brief Look from a Public Health Perspective.
Chapman, R., J. Renwick and N. Dodge (2015). Submission on the ETS review 2016. Wellington, Victoria University of Wellington
Chapman, R. (2015, August 4 & 5). Window closing fast on climate change options. Dominion Post and
Chapman, R. (2015). Time of Useful Consciousness: Acting Urgently on Climate Change . Wellington, New Zealand: Bridget Williams Books
Keall, M., Chapman, R., Howden-Chapman, P., Witten, K., Abrahamse, W., & Woodward, A. (early on-line view). Increasing active travel: results of a quasi-experimental study of an intervention to encourage walking and cycling. Journal of Epidemiol Community Health.
Howden-Chapman P., Keall, M., Conlon, F., Chapman, R.(2015). Urban interventions: understanding health co-benefits. Proceedings of the ICE - Urban Design and Planning, 168(DP4), 196 -203.
Chapman, R., Renwick, J., & Sims, R. (2015, July 9). New Zealand CAN do more to cut emissions – here’s how. Responding to Climate Change.
Chapman, R. (2015). A submission to the Ministry for the Environment on the INDC consultation document, ‘New Zealand’s Climate Change Target’. Wellington: Victoria University of Wellington.
Renwick, J., Chapman, R., Hall, J., Kenny, G., Matthews, A., Mullan, B., et al. (2015). Setting New Zealand's post-2020 Climate Target . Expert advice paper and Submission to the Ministry for the Environment, Royal Society of New Zealand.
Chapman, R., Dodge, N., Randal, E., Howden-Chapman, P. (2015). Submission to the Greater Wellington Regional Council on the Draft Climate Change Strategy . New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities.
Chapman, R., Whitwell, K., & Dodge, N. (2015). Submission to the Greater Wellington Regional Council on the Draft Regional Land Transport Plan. New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities.
Reisinger, A., Lawrence, J., Hart, G., & Chapman, R. (2015). From coping to resilience: the role of managed retreat in highly developed coastal regions of New Zealand. In B. Glavovic, R. Kaye, M. Kelly & A. Travers (Eds.), Climate Change and the Coast: Building Resilient Communities. London, UK: Taylor and Francis.
Dodge, N., Stuart, K., Blaschke, P., Preval, N., Howden-Chapman, P., & Chapman, R. (2014). Submission to Wellington City Council on the Wellington Urban Growth Plan 2014-43 (pp. 10). New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities.
Chapman, R., Howden-Chapman, P., Keall, M., Witten, K., Abrahamse, W, Woodward, A., Muggeridge, D, Beetham, J., & Grams, M. (2014). Increasing active travel: aims, methods and baseline measures of a quasi-experimental study. BMC Public Health,14, 935.
Manning, M., Lawrence, J., King, D.N., & Chapman, R. (2014). Dealing with changing risks: a New Zealand perspective on climate change adaptation. Regional Environmental Change.
Schroeder, P.M., & Chapman, R. (2014). Renewable energy leapfrogging in China's urban development? Current status and outlook. Sustainable Cities and Society, 11, 31-39.
Chapman, R., Thomas, A., Bond, S., Goldberg, E., & Livesey, C. (2013). Environmental Governance: a report on New Zealand environmental governance for The Transparency International New Zealand (TINZ) project (Supplementary Paper). Wellington: Transparency International New Zealand.
Chapman, R. (2013). Urbanism in the Age of Climate Change. Journal of Urban Design, 19(1), 147-149.
Chapman, R. (2013). Affordable housing in New Zealand cities: An economic and policy analysis. In S. Bierre, P. Howden-Chapman, L. Early (Eds.), Homes People Can Afford: How to improve housing in New Zealand (Chapter 5, pp 49-56). Wellington, New Zealand: Steele Roberts Aotearoa.
Zhao, P., Chapman, R., Randal, E, & Howden-Chapman, P. (2013). Understanding Resilient Urban Futures: A Systemic Modelling Approach. Sustainability 2013, 5(7), 3202-3223.
Howden-Chapman, P., Chapman, R., & Baker, M. G. (2013). Valuing social housing needs to take a broader view. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 67(10), 803-804.
Chapman, R. (2013). The Way to Go? American or German solar incentive models. Solar Action Bulletin, SAB94(June) , 8-9.
Viggers, H., Howden-Chapman, P., Ingham, T., Chapman, R., Pene, G., Davies, C., & Crane, J. (2013). Warm homes for older people: aims and methods of a randomised community-based trial for people with COPD. BMC Public Health, 13(176).
Kear, G., & Chapman, R. (2013). ‘Reserving judgement’: Perceptions of pumped hydro and utility-scale batteries for electricity storage and reserve generation in New Zealand. Renewable Energy, 57, 249-261.
Chapman, R. (2012, November). Averting dangerous climate change: accelerating the energy transition 635KB. Invited lecture to the University of Auckland annual Chapman Lecture in honour of Professor Robert Chapman , who was founding professor of Political Studies at the UoA.
Chapman, R. (2012, October). Submission on the Land Transport Management Amendment Bill, to the Parliamentary Committee on Transport and Industrial Relations.
Howden-Chapman, P. & Chapman, R. (2012). Health co-benefits from housing-related policies. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 4(4), 414-419.
Howden-Chapman, P., Viggers, H., Chapman, R., O'Sullivan, K., Barnard, L., & Lloyd, B. (2012). Tackling cold housing and fuel poverty in New Zealand: A review of policies, research, and health impacts. Energy Policy, 49, 134-142.
Chapman, R. (2012). Book review: Resilient cities: responding to peak oil and climate change. Journal of Urban Design, 17(2), 317-328.
Packard, A., & Chapman, R. (2012). An evaluation of the Wellington Regional Genuine Progress Index. New Zealand Geographer, 68(1), 1-13.
Manning, M., Chapman, R., Hales, S., Howden-Chapman, P., King. D., Kjellstrom. T., Lawrence, J., & Lindsay, G. (2011). Synthesis: Community vulnerability, resilience and adaptation to climate change in New Zealand (NZCCRI Report 2011-1). Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences, New Zealand Climate Change Research Institute.
Howden-Chapman, P., Hales, S., Chapman, R., & Shaw, C. (2011). Improving air quality: co-benefits for the urban system. Air Quality and Climate Change, 45(4), 19-23.
Wilson, N., Chapman, R., & Howden-Chapman, P. (2011). End-of-term review of the New Zealand Government’s response to climate change: a public health perspective. New Zealand Medical Journal, 124(1345), 90-95.
Howden-Chapman P.L., Chapman, R., Capon A.G., & Wilson N. (2011). Carbon pricing is a health protection policy (Editorial). Medical Journal of Australia, 195(6), 311-312.
Howden-Chapman, P., Crane, J., Chapman, R., & Fougere, G. (2011). Improving health and energy efficiency through community-based housing interventions. International Journal of Public Health, 46(6), 583-588.
Howden-Chapman, P., Chapman, R., Abrahamse, W., Awatere, S., Fougere, G., Frame, B., ... & Logie, J. (2011). Christchurch’s regeneration: research and science-based insights. Wellington: New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities.
Zhao, P., Chapman, R., & Howden-Chapman, P. (2011). New Zealand urban intensification: a spatial analysis. In K. Witten, W. Abrahamse & K. Stuart (Eds.), Growth Misconduct? Avoiding sprawl and improving urban intensification in New Zealand (pp. 143-158). Wellington, New Zealand: Steele Roberts Aotearoa.
Packard, A. & Chapman, R. (2011). Rethinking Progress: an Evaluation of the Wellington Regional Genuine Progress Indicator. In J. Boston (Ed.) Ethics and Public Policy: Contemporary Issues (Chapter 15). Wellington, New Zealand: Victoria University Press.
Howden-Chapman, P., Logie, J., Chapman, R., Keall, M., Fougere, G., & Abrahamse, W. (2011). Urban Sustainability Research Agenda. Wellington, New Zealand: New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities.
Chapman, R., & Boston, J. (2011). ‘Gazetting New Zealand's 2050 Emissions Target’: Submission on New Zealand’s 2050 greenhouse gas emissions target, to the Ministry for the Environment.
Aitken, C., Chapman, R., & McClure, J. (2011). Climate change, powerlessness and the commons dilemma. Global Environmental Change, 21(2), 752 -760.
Howden-Chapman, P. & Chapman, R.(2010). More Resilient Cities. Build 120, Oct/Nov, 42-43.
Wilson, N., and Chapman, R. (2010). A farsighted energy strategy would benefit health in New Zealand. New Zealand Medical Journal, 123(1322), 92-95.
Howden-Chapman, P., Stuart, K., & Chapman, R. (Eds.). (2010). Sizing up the City: Urban form and transport in New Zealand . Wellington, New Zealand: Steele Roberts.
Chapman, R. & Howden-Chapman, P. (2010). Urban form and transport: the transition to resilient cities. In P. Howden-Chapman, K. Stuart and R. Chapman (Eds.), Sizing up the City: Urban form and transport in New Zealand (Introduction). Wellington, New Zealand: Steele Roberts.
Preval, N., and Chapman, R. (2010). For whom the city? Housing and locational preferences in New Zealand. In P. Howden-Chapman, K. Stuart and R. Chapman (Eds.), Sizing up the City: Urban form and transport in New Zealand (Chapter 2). Wellington, New Zealand: Steele Roberts.
Keall, M., and Chapman, R. (2010). Changes in frequency of walking and cycling trips in New Zealand: Potential influences of urban form. In P. Howden-Chapman, K. Stuart and R. Chapman (Eds.), Sizing up the City: Urban form and transport in New Zealand (Chapter 3). Wellington, New Zealand: Steele Roberts.
Chapman, R. (2010). Framing a New Zealand urban research agenda. In P. Howden-Chapman, K. Stuart and R. Chapman (Eds.), Sizing up the City: Urban form and transport in New Zealand (Chapter 15). Wellington, New Zealand: Steele Roberts.
Howden-Chapman, P., and Chapman, R. (2010). Climate Change and Human Health: Impact and adaptation issues for New Zealand. Climate change adaptation. In R. A. C. Nottage, D. S. Wratt, J. F. Bornman and K. Jones (Eds.), New Zealand: Future scenarios and some sectoral perspectives (pp.112-121). Wellington, New Zealand: Climate Change Centre.
Preval, N., and Chapman, R. (2010). Evaluating energy, health and carbon co-benefits from improved domestic space heating: A randomised community trial. Energy Policy, 38(8), 3965-3972.
Wilson, N., Chapman, R., and Howden-Chapman, P. (2009). New Zealand Government response to climate change: largely fogged up? New Zealand Medical Journal, 122(1303), 111-113.
Barry, M. and Chapman, R. (2009). Distributed small-scale wind in New Zealand: advantages, barriers and policy support instruments. Energy Policy, 37(9), 3358-3369.
Howden-Chapman, P., Viggers, H., Chapman, R.., O’Dea, D. Free, S., & O’Sullivan, K. (2009). Warm homes: drivers of the demand for heating in the residential sector in New Zealand. Energy Policy, 37(9), 3387 - 3399.
Chapman, R., Howden-Chapman, P., Viggers, H., O'Dea, D. & Kennedy, M. (2009). Retrofitting houses with insulation: a cost-benefit analysis of a randomized community trial. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 63(4), 271-277.
Chapman, R., J. Lawrence, et al. (2009). Forging a credible ETS: why the Select Committee’s report matters. New Zealand Climate Change Research Institute Commentaries.
Chapman, R. (2008). Transitioning to low-carbon urban form and transport in New Zealand. Political Science, 60(1), 89-98.
Howden-Chapman, P., Pierse, N., Nicholls, S., Gillespie-Bennett, J., Cunningham, M., Phipps, R., Boulic, M., Fjallstrom, P., Free, S., Chapman, R., & Crane, J. (2008). Effects of improved home heating on asthma in community dwelling children: randomised controlled trial. British Medical Journal, 337, a1411.
Boulic, M., Fjällström, P., Phipps, R., Cunningham, M., Cleland, D., Pierse, N., Howden-Chapman, P., Chapman, R., Viggers, R., Pollard, A. & the Housing, Heating, and Health Team (2008). Cold Homes in New Zealand – Does increasing the heater capacity improve the indoor climate? Clean Air and Environmental Quality Journal, 42(3), 24-28.
Wilson, N., Howden-Chapman, P., Crane, J., Wickens, K., & Chapman, R. (2007). Potential health effects associated with mould in "Leaky Buildings": A review commissioned by Auckland City Council. Wellington, New Zealand: He Kainga Oranga/Housing and Health Research Programme, University of Otago.
Chapman, R. & Boston, J. (2007). The nature of the problem and the case for rapid stabilisation. In Boston, J. (Ed.) Towards a New Global Climate Treaty – Looking Beyond 2012 . Wellington, New Zealand: Victoria University Press.
Chapman, R.(2007). Climate change: An update on key issues for the public sector. Public Sector, 30(2), 16-17.
Chapman, R. & Boston, J. (2007). The Social Implications of Decarbonising New Zealand’s Economy. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, 31,104-136
Chapman, R., Boston, J. & Schwass, M. (Eds.). (2006). Confronting Climate Change: Critical Issues for New Zealand. Wellington, New Zealand: Victoria University Press.
Chapman, R. & Piddington, K. (2006). New Zealand's Energy Future: A Review of A Sustainable Energy Future for New Zealand by 2050 and Future Currents. Policy Quarterly, 2(1), 25-32.
McIndoe, G., Chapman, R., McDonald, C., Holden, G., Howden-Chapman, P., & Bray Sharpin, A. (2005). The Value of Urban Design: The economic, environmental and social benefits of urban design. Wellington, New Zealand: Ministry for the Environment.
Chapman, R. (2004). The Dutch Sustainable Energy Transition and its applicability to New Zealand. Public Sector, 27(4), 23-28.
Chapman, R. (2003). A policy mix for environmentally sustainable development - Learning from the Dutch experience. New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law, 7, 29-51.