Dr Julie Vry

Senior Lecturer
School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences
My primary interest is in understanding rock records of metamorphism, with emphasis on:
- metamorphic pressure-temperature-time-deformation (P-T-t-d) paths
- multiple metamorphism: deciphering effects, timing, and tectonic causes
- fluid flow and fluid/rock interaction in orogenic belts, crustal-scale fault zones, and other diverse geologic environments
Projects generally stress an integrated approach to field oriented studies, and may combine mineralogy, phase equilibria, thermodynamics, stable and radiogenic isotope geochemistry, texture studies at macroscopic to grain-boundary scales, and fluid inclusion investigations.
Ongoing research (in collaboration with Roger Powell, University of Melbourne, Australia) is investigating fluid generation during metamorphism and exhumation of the Alpine Schist in the Southern Alps, New Zealand.
- PhD in Geology - University of Wisconsin-Madison (1989)
- BA in Geology, Chemistry and Biology - University of Minnesota (1974)
Publications 1988 - Now
- 1997: Award for Excellence in Teaching, Victoria University of Wellington
- 1989: Sigma Xi Graduate Research Excellence Award (3 top science Ph.D.'s at Univ. Wisconsin, 1989)
- 1988: Distinguished Scholar, Microbeam Analysis Society
- 1988: Member, Sigma Xi
- 1974: Outstanding Undergraduate Major, Geology/Earth Sciences, University of Minnesota, USA
- FELLOWS/MEMBERSHIPS: Geological Society of America, Mineralogical Society of America, Geological Society of New Zealand; The University of Melbourne, 3 months; Danish Lithosphere Centre, Copenhagen, 1 month
Professional Background
A previous career as a research chemist in the USA aerospace industry (materials technology, new materials development).
Post-graduate appointments in Geology at Macquarie University, NSW Australia & Monash University, Victoria Australia (timing and conditions of hi-T & low-P metamorphism in the Reynolds Range, NT Australia; other metamorphic & stable isotope studies of rocks from various locations in Australia).
Victoria University of Wellington since 1995. While at the University, my research has focused on understanding the complex geological history of the timing and conditions of metamorphism, and the processes that have operated to produce that record in rocks of the Alpine Schist, Southern Alps, New Zealand. Recent breakthroughs have come through the calculation of pseudosection diagrams, and through age determinations on small zircon grains.
Work Experience
- 1997 - present: Senior Lecturer, Geology, Victoria University of Wellington, NZ
- 1995 -1996: Lecturer, Geology, Victoria University of Wellington, NZ
- 1992 -1994: ARC Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Earth Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, VIC 3168 AUSTRALIA
- 1990 -1991: Post-doctoral Research Fellow, School of Earth Sciences, Macquarie, University, North Ryde, NSW 2109 AUSTRALIA
- 1984 - 1990: Research Assistant, Research Fellow, Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
- 1978 - 1984: Research Chemist, Boeing Aerospace Co., Seattle, WA, USA, New Materials Development: polymers and specialty ceramics
Service to the University
Past ESCI Programme Director 2010 - 2013. Awarded major capital funding for: a complete new research microsopy and digital imaging suite; replacement of 27 student petrographic microscopes; and complete modernisation of thin section preparation laboratory. Active in numerous outreach activities including New Students Orientation and site visits.
International Service
Reviewer for International Scientific Journals
including: Geology; J. Petrology; J. Metamorphic Geology; J. Geological Soc. (London); Reviews in Economic Geology; Geol. Soc. London Spec. Publ.; New Zealand J. Geology and Geophysics.
Assessor for Grant Proposals
Including: National Science Foundation, USA; Australian Research Council – large grant & Senior Research Fellowship programmes; International Science and Technology Linkages Fund (ISAT) c. 500 proposals 1999-2003
Mineralogical Society of America, Distinguished Lecturer Committee, 2005-7; Organising Committee Joint Annual Mtg. NZ Geol. Soc., NZ Geophysical Soc. 2000.
Examiner for PhD theses
Average 3 requests per year.