Dr Marie Doole

Marie Doole profile picture photograph

Research Interests

Environmental research and strategy, policy analysis and design, regulation and regulatory performance, regulatory capture, nature conservation, community conservation

Dr Marie Doole is interested in the systems designed to safeguard nature and why they do or do not deliver on their aims. Her research and teaching focuses on:

  • Policy and regulatory design and implementation
  • Biodiversity, freshwater and waste policy
  • Evaluating performance of regulators and regulatory systems
  • Regulatory capture’s role in constraining the effectiveness of environmental law
  • Biodiversity protection and measuring effectiveness of interventions
  • Conservation management, including community-led initiatives

For more information, see Dr Marie's consulting website Mātaki Environmental.


PhD in Science – University of Waikato (2014) Towards Robust Exchanges: Evaluating Ecological Compensation in New Zealand

Master of Environmental Legal Studies – University of Auckland (2007)

Post-Graduate Diploma in Environmental Management – University of Auckland (2004)

Bachelor of Science (Biological Sciences) - University of Auckland (2003)


Journal Articles

Walker S, William George Lee, Peter J Bellingham, G Kaine, Sarah J Richardson, Suzie Greenhalgh, Robyn Simcock, Marie Brown and Theo Stephens (2021) What effects must be avoided, remediated or mitigated to maintain indigenous biodiversity? New Zealand Journal of Ecology 45(2)

Brown M and RTT Stephens (2017) Big issues, bigger solutions: are bottom lines enough? Policy Quarterly Victoria University of Wellington

Brown M (2017) Last Line of Defence: a summary of an evaluation of environmental enforcement. Policy Quarterly 13(2) Victoria University of Wellington

Brown M and Jemma Penelope (2016) Biodiversity offsets in New Zealand: addressing the risks and maximising the benefits Policy Quarterly VUW

Stephens Theo, Suzie Greenhalgh, Marie A Brown, Adam Daigneault (2016) Enhancing the tax system to halt the decline of nature in New Zealand. Policy Quarterly 12(1) available at

Brown Marie A, Bruce D Clarkson, RT Theo Stephens and Barry J Barton (2014) Compensating for ecological harm – the state of play in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 38(1)

Brown Marie A, BD Clarkson, BJ Barton and Chaitanya Joshi (2013) Implementing ecological compensation in New Zealand: stakeholder perspectives and a way forward Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 44(1)

Brown Marie A, Bruce D Clarkson, Barry J Barton and Chaitanya Joshi (2013) Ecological compensation: an evaluation of regulatory compliance in New Zealand. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 31(1)

Books and Reports

Doole M (2024) Empowering Action: improving the funding and support for community conservation in Aotearoa. Predator Free New Zealand Trust [TBA]

Doole Marie and Fleur Maseyk (2020) Environmental Governance – Are We Making the Grade? In Public Policy and Governance Public Policy and Governance Frontiers in New Zealand. Emerald Publishing. 2020, p. 257-277

Doole, M (2020) Better together? A review of community conservation hubs in New Zealand, Predator Free New Zealand

Doole M (2019) Independent Analysis of the 2018/2019 Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Metrics for the Regional Sector. Compliance and Enforcement Special Interest Group (CESIG) available at Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Metrics for the Regional Sector - LGNZ

Doole M (2018) Independent Analysis of the 2017/2018 Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Metrics for the Regional Sector. Compliance and Enforcement Special Interest Group (CESIG) available at Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Metrics for the Regional Sector - LGNZ

Brown M (2018) Transforming community conservation funding in New Zealand Predator Free New Zealand

Maseyk Fleur, Graham Ussher, Gerry Kessels, Mark Christensen and Marie Brown (2018) Biodiversity offsetting under the Resource Management Act: a guidance document. Biodiversity Working Group.

Brown MA (2017) Banking on Biodiversity: the feasibility of biodiversity banking in New Zealand. Environmental Defence Society

Brown M (2017) Last line of defence: compliance monitoring and enforcement of environmental law in New Zealand Environmental Defence Society

Bellingham P et al (2016) Standardised terrestrial biodiversity indicators for use by regional councils. Biodiversity Working Group Report. Manaaki Whenua.

Brown MA (2016) Pathways to Prosperity: safeguarding biodiversity in development. Environmental Defence Society

Brown MA, R Peart and M Wright (2016) Evaluating the environmental outcomes of the RMA Environmental Defence Society

Brown MA, RT Theo Stephens, Raewyn Peart and Bevis Fedder (2015) Vanishing Nature: facing New Zealand's biodiversity crisis. Environmental Defence Society

Brown Marie A, R Simcock and S Greenhalgh (2015) Protecting the Urban Forest. Manaaki Whenua Policy Brief No.13