IODP Expedition 317

The JOIDES Resolution set sail from Townsville at the end of July beginning IODP Expedition 317: exploring the tectonic and climate history of northwestern Zealandia (27 July to 26 September).

Rupert Sutherland and Jerry Dickens are the co-chiefs and the science team includes three New Zealanders – Hugh Morgans, Kristina Pascher (honorary), and Wanda Stratford and Australian Outreach Officer, Deb Beamish.

Watch a brief explanation of Zealandia with interviews from Rupert Sutherland and Jerry Dickens and take a look at the first core samples taken from Zealandia. (Filmed and edited by Adam Kurtz.)

Find out more about the expedition on the GNS website and on The Conversation.

The New York Times article - Scientists Take to the Sea to Study a Lost Land: Zealandia

Read Rupert Sutherlands article

Follow the expedition and take a look at the facebook page

You can keep up to date with Stephen Pekar's blog

Register your class or activity for a live ship to shore video link here

If you’d like to find out more about ways to get involved in outreach activities associated with this expedition, please contact,

The Guardian article - Zealandia drilling reveals secrets of sunken lost continent

Joides Resolution
Left: Map of IODP sites. Right: JOIDES Resolution (Credit: IODP).