2017 News

  • Earthquakes associated with oil and gas production: Mechanisms and management

    The number of small-to-moderate sized earthquakes in large areas of the central and eastern United States began to increase dramatically in 2005. The occurrence of many of these earthquakes correlates with the increased use of horizontal drilling and multi-stage hydraulic fracturing by the oil and gas industry.

  • Bringing expert science knowledge to Kiwi schools

    Avalon Intermediate School teacher Rose Campbell spends time with Victoria University's School of Geography, Environmental and Earth Sciences as part of The Science Teaching Leadership Programme.

  • New water quality tool

    Geography programme director at Victoria University of Wellington, Bethanna Jackson, tells Kathryn Ryan about her Land Utilisation and Capability Indicator tool (LUCI) which is designed to manage nutrient loss into waterways. Dr Jackson started developing this tool in Wales, where she's been working since 2006 on flood prevention. Here in New Zealand she has developed the software to help farmers identify at-risk areas for nutrient loss.

  • Joides Resolution

    IODP Expedition 317

    The JOIDES Resolution set sail from Townsville at the end of July beginning IODP Expedition 317: exploring the tectonic and climate history of northwestern Zealandia (27 July to 26 September).

  • NZs treatment of refugees an election issue

    NZ’s treatment of refugees an election issue

    Imagine you suddenly get news that you and your loved ones are unsafe; that unless you leave your home in the next 10 minutes you risk persecution, detention or worse. What would you take with you? Where would you go? How would you get there?