Opening Doors
On Friday 24 February, 'Opening Doors' was launched. ‘Opening Doors’ will be a vital resource to support students with a refugee-background and help them to successfully navigate their way through their studies and Victoria University services.
On Friday 24 February, Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Pasifika), Associate Professor Hon Luamanuvao Winnie Laban launched 'Opening Doors'—a vital resource to support refugee-background students to successfully navigate their way through their studies and Victoria University services.
This is the first booklet of its kind nationwide, initiated by the Victoria network to support refugee-background students. She also warmly welcomed intending, new and past refugee-background students to Victoria, encouraging them to interact with our staff and students.
For more information about the booklet and recognition of refugee-background students as an equity group, contact Dr Sara Kindon, Senior Lecturer, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences on ext 6194, email