Anita Brady
BA Otago
DipGrad Otago
PGDip Otago
PhD Otago
Current research projects
Dr Brady's research is primarily concerned with the mediation of sexual and gendered subjectivities. She is currently working on a book that examines the cultural politics of same-sex kissing in the media.
Areas of supervision
- Gender, sexuality, and media cultures and texts
- Queer theories and representations of ‘queer”
- Celebrity Studies
- Gender, sexuality and New Zealand media
Recent publications
Journal articles:
Brady, Anita. “The Transgendered Kiwi: Homosocial desire and ‘New Zealand identity’. Sexualities. 15(3): 2012.
Brady, Anita. “‘Remember When Lesbian Kisses Actually Meant You Were a Lesbian?’ Historicising Same-Sex Kissing.” The Australasian Journal of Popular Culture. 1(3): 2012. 285-296.
Brady, Anita. “‘This is Why Mainstream America Votes Against Gays, Adam Lambert’: Contemporary Outness and Gay Celebrity.” Celebrity Studies. 2(3): 2011. 292-304.
Brady, Anita. “’Could This Women’s World Champ Be A Man?’: Caster Semenya and the Limits of Being Human.” Antepodium. 2011.
Brady, Anita. “Camp Mothers of the Nation?: Reading Untouchable Girls.” New Zealand Journal of Women’s Studies. 24(1): 2010. 3-13.
Brady, Anita. “All Blacks, eyeliner, and Queer Eye: Metrosexuality and the 'crisis of homo/heterosexual definition.’” New Zealand Journal of Media Studies. 9 (2): 2006. 2-11.
Books and book chapters:
Brady, Anita and Tony Schirato. Understanding Judith Butler. London: Sage, 2011.
Brady, Anita. “’How Could It Hurt You When It Looks So Good?’: Commodity Culture and Queer Authenticity.” Queering Paradigms II: Interrogating Agendas. Eds. B. Scherer and M. Ball. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2011. 13-28.
Professional links and responsibilities
Queer and Gender Area Chair, Popular Culture Association of Australia and New Zealand
Major achievements and awards
In 2012, Dr Brady was awarded a Victoria University Teaching Award for Teaching Excellence