Tutor vacancies
View current vacancies for tutor positions at the School of English, Film, Theatre, Media and Communication, and Art History.
Expressions of interest are invited from university graduates to work part-time as tutors in undergraduate English, Film, Theatre, Media and Communication, and Art History courses for 2025.
It is expected that successful applicants will have an Honours degree or higher. Applications are particularly encouraged from current and intending postgraduate students.
Tutoring expectations
Tutoring roles are characterised by the following set of basic conditions or expectations:
- Tutorials usually occur for one hour, per course, per teaching week;
- A limited number of courses operate on a workshop model of one two-hour workshops;
- Tutorials are designed to provide: opportunities for small group discussion and interaction; learning support for course material and lectures; in-class advice as to the completion of assignments;
- Tutorial teaching begins in the second week of trimester and involves approximately ten weeks of actual tutoring;
- Tutorials generally comprise up to 20-25 students per class depending on enrolment numbers;
- In addition to preparing and running tutorials, a tutoring role involves a few hours each week for student consultation and additional hours during the trimester for the marking of student assignments;
- Tutors are expected to attend regular meetings with the Course Coordinator during the trimester, moderation meetings, and attend the lectures for courses on which they work.
Positions available
We are happy to receive expressions of interest for tutoring in T3 2024, and in 2025 courses. Applications will be open until 13 January 2025.
See the Course Finder for the 2025 undergraduate courses we will be offering.
How to apply
Apply by filling in the tutor application form.
Complete the form and upload your CV and a cover letter outlining why you would like to tutor, what value you could add or insights you can bring, and any previous or relevant experience.
Further information
If you have any enquiries, please contact seftms@vuw.ac.nz