2020 Working Paper series
Links to papers from the 2020 Working Paper series.
- 'Analytic Valuation of GMDB Options with Utility Based Asset Allocation', Eric Ulm (WP 01, 2020)
- 'Do Struggling Students Benefit From Continued Student Loan Access? Evidence From University and Beyond', Yu-Wei Luke Chu & Harold E. Cuffe (WP 02, 2020)
- 'Does Hamilton’s OLS regression provide a “better alternative” to the Hodrick-Prescott filter? A New Zealand Business Cycle Perspective', Viv B Hall & Peter Thomson (WP 03, 2020)
- 'Over-valued or over-looked? A theoretical and empirical investigation of agricultural land values against profitability in Aotearoa New Zealand', Corey Allan, Suzi Kerr & Sally Owen (WP 04, 2020)
- 'Recent Changes in the Nature of Distribution Dynamics of US County Incomes', Seonyoung Park & Donggyun Shin (WP 05, 2020)
- 'Welfare Consequences of Rising Wage Risk in the United States: Self-Selection into Risky Jobs and Family Labor Supply Adjustments', Seonyoung Park & Donggyun Shin (WP 06, 2020)
- 'Effects of Sea Surface Temperature on Tuna Catch: Evidence from Countries in the Eastern Pacific Ocean', Hanny John P. Mediodia (WP 07, 2020)
- 'Influences on Sponsor Voluntary Contributions to Defined Benefit Pension Plans in the US', Tanjila Tabassum & Eric R. Ulm (WP 08, 2020)