Pablo Etchegoin 1964–2013
The Raman Lab at Vic was founded and developed from scratch by Pablo in 2003. Sadly, Pablo passed away on 29 April 2013 after a long illness. For further detail about Pablo's life and enormous research contribution, see the obituary of the Royal Society of New Zealand.
Current group members
Academic staff
Postdoctoral fellows
- Walter Somerville
- Atefeh Fazel Najafabadi
Postgraduate students
- Chhayly Tang (PhD)
- Adam Francis (PhD)
- Phuong Bui (PhD)
Past members
- Professor Pablo G Etchegoin
- Matthias Meyer (PhD - 2007)
- Evan Blackie (PhD - 2010)
- Chris Galloway (PhD - 2011)
- Camille Artur (PhD - 2013)
- Stefan Meyer (PhD - 2013)
- Walter Somerville (PhD - 2014)
- Peter Hauer (PhD - 2016)
- Xiaohan Chen (MSc - 2018)
- Johan Grand (PDF - 2019)
- Matt Majic (PhD - 2020)
- Geoffry Laufersky (PDF - 2021)
Room 214, Level 2, Laby Building
Kelburn Campus, Victoria University of Wellington
Kelburn Parade, Wellington
Tel: +64 4 463 5233 x8910