SERS and plasmonics codes
SPlaC: SERS and plasmonics codes
These codes are written for Matlab and cover a range of various EM modeling relevant to SERS and plasmonics, including:
- Analytic expressions for the optical properties of silver and gold in the visible/NIR region
- Reflection/Refraction at multilayer planar interfaces, including local field calculations
- Ellipsoids in the electrostatics approximation, including local field calculations
- Mie theory codes for plane wave excitation, including local field calculations
- Extension of Mie theory to spherical multilayers (e.g. coated sphere)
- Extension of Mie theory to dipolar emission
- 30 individual functions to reproduce most of the "theoretical" figures of the book
SPlaC package download and license agreement
By downloading the SPlaC package, you implicitly agree with its license agreement:
- This package, including all its files and content are under the following copyright: 2008 Eric Le Ru and Pablo Etchegoin.
- The package may be used freely for research, teaching, or personal use. The unmodified complete package (including the README files) may be re-distributed and freely exchanged for pure research purposes, but cannot be commercialized or used for commercial/government purposes.
- If research results obtained using the package are published in the scientific literature (or in any other form), the package should be appropriately referenced either directly, or through its link to the book:
E. C. Le Ru and P. G. Etchegoin, Principles of Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy and Related Plasmonic Effects (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2009).
The SPlaC package (v1.01) can be downloaded as a zip file zip296KB
See the README file for installation instructions or the SPlaC guide, which also contains additional technical information. Both files are also included with the package in the root folder.
You can also download a zip file of the SPlaC help or simply browse it online.
Note that v1.0 does not work on newer versions of Matlab (since 2013) because of syntax changes to functions like besselj. The current version v1.01 fixes this problem and a few other minor errors.