The laboratory has a range of NMR spectrometers, from high-field superconducting magnets to a low-field Magritek Spinsolve NMR system and a Magritek Terranova Earth's-field system. We also work with the high field JEOL NMR systems in the chemistry NMR facility for high resolution and X-nuclear NMR

Bruker Avance 400 systems
We have two Bruker Instruments AVANCE400 – wide bore (1H frequency 400 MHz) systems. Both have 9.4 T superconducting 89 mm vertical bore magnets. The consoles are equipped with two rf channels, both capable of generating hard and shaped pulses for any nucleus. The micro-imaging accessories of the systems are powered by Bruker GREAT-60 gradient power supplies.
The principal use for this instrument is high-resolution spectroscopy, micro-imaging, Rheo-NMR and PGSE studies, therefore the micro-imaging probes are most regularly used. These micro-imaging probes have RF coils for 1H and 2H imaging/spectroscopy ranging from 5mm to 30mm in diameter and are used in combination with the Bruker gradient coils.
The Micro 2.5 (meaning 2.5 G/cm/A) micro-imaging probes give a maximum gradient of 1.5T/m at 60A. In addition, these probes also have a tuneable x-nucleus channel, and probes are designed and built in-house for 31P and 23Na imaging. Both AVANCE400 systems share a range of probes, in addition to the imaging probes. There is a Bruker Diff60 high-gradient diffusion probe, which gives a maximum gradient of 360 G/mm.
Additionally, we have a Bruker HRMAS 400MHz Magic Angle Spinning probe, for solid samples. This is used for spectroscopy and diffusion measurement when combined with the microimaging gradient system.
All probes can be connected to the AVANCE computer-controlled variable temperature apparatus, which with the use of a liquid nitrogen reservoir can cover temperatures from -10 to 150°C.

Cryogen-free superconducting magnets
Our lab has two superconducting magnets which can be used at variable magnetic fields. One is a horizontal bore 1.5 T imaging system from Cryogenic UK. This system has a set of gradient coils driven by a Magritek Kea2 Spectrometer and a set of Bruker BAFPA gradient amplifiers. It is used for imaging and NMR studies at variable fields.
We also have a 7T cryogen free NMR spectroscopy magnet from Superconducting Solutions in Massachusetts USA. Both systems are cryogen free, conductively cooled magnets.
Low-field NMR
Our group has a Magritek Spinsolve 1T spectroscopy system. This system also has a high gradient diffusion probe, allowing it to be used for experiments such as diffusion ordered spectroscopy DOSY.
We also have several Magritek Kea low field spectrometers, and Resonint Matipo low field spectrometers, which are used for low field permanent magnet NMR. Our lab also has a high-performance workstation for CAD and simulation of magnets and coils, as well as electronic and hardware workspaces for assembly.
Rheometers and Rheo-NMR
Our group has several rheometers and viscometers for studying soft materials, including a Anton Paar MCR 702e MultiDrive Rheometer. We also have our custom made Rheo-NMR driveshafts, which are designed to accurately apply shear to samples inside the magnet bore. These enable precise measurement of rheological properties and changes including stress-controlled measurements.