Cleanroom fabrication facility
The cleanroom fabrication facility at SCPS houses a range of microfabrication and inspection equipment.

Specialised cleanroom equipment
The cleanroom fabrication facility is purpose-built for the fabrication of novel electronic devices.
The facility contains a full range of microfabrication and inspection equipment including:
- a mask aligner for lithographic patterning
- an evaporator and sputter coater capable of depositing thin films of metals and dielectrics
- a reactive ion etcher
- an optical microscope and a Dektak profilometer.
Other equipment
The laboratory also houses a four-probe testing station and a parameter analyser capable of femtoamp resolution.
We also have spin coaters, fume hoods, and a bench-top plasma system for substrate cleaning.
We collaborate with the Nanostructure Engineering Science and Technology (NEST) facility at the University of Canterbury and the cleanroom microfabrication facility at the University of Auckland Microfab.
Read about our equipment and processing capability.
Using our equipment
If you're interested in using the facility, contact Natalie Plank or Ben Ruck.
Head of School
School of Chemical and Physical Sciences