2016 News
MBIE Grant Success
SCPS academics have hauled in a significant amount of MBIE funding in the current round.
National Science Challenge seed funding to explore innovative early cancer detection
SCPS researchers have received $255,000 in seed funding to develop new magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents for early detection of cancer and other diseases.
Study@Vic Day 2016
SCPS Physics Laboratory Coordinator Andy Ross presents a review of the 2016 Study@Vic Day.
Embracing a 'Boutiq' opportunity
Victoria chemistry graduate Dr Anna Henning has been named an Emerging Innovator finalist at the annual KiwiNet Research Commercialisation Awards.
AuramerBio makes diagnosis easier, faster and smarter
A new medical diagnostics start-up company spun out of Victoria University of Wellington is set to revolutionise the way medical professionals diagnose and monitor the health of their patients.
Māori and Pasifika students discovering passion for science
A group of talented Māori and Pasifika pupils from around the country descended on Victoria University of Wellington to get a taste of tertiary-level science.
Happy campers at summer science camp
Fifteen of New Zealand's brightest high school science pupils spent a week in Wellington getting an introduction to nanoscience and advanced materials during Nanocamp 2016.