Meet the academic and professional staff in the School of Science in Society.
Adjunct Professor
Head of School
School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences|School of Science in Society
Professor · Deputy Head of School
School of Science in Society
Acting School Manager (January 2025–April 2025)

Emma Fisher
School Manager
Senior Administrator / Executive Assistant
School of Science in Society|Ferrier Research Institute
School Manager (on secondment until April 2025)

Shohana Swortzel
School of Chemical and Physical Sciences
Academic staff
Senior Lecturer (Teaching)
School of Science in Society
Adjunct contributors
Adjunct Professor
School of Science in Society

Dr Pauline Harris
Honorary research associate
School of Science in Society

Prof Shaun Hendy
Adjunct Professor
School of Science in Society
Adjunct research fellow
School of Science in Society
Adjunct teaching fellow
School of Science in Society

Dr Fraser Morgan
Honorary research associate
School of Science in Society