Using a science degree to solve real-world problems
A fascination with the intersection of biology and technology—and understanding how data can be used to solve real-world problems—was the driver behind Katie Chu-Fong’s decision to combine Biotechnology and Data Science in her university studies.

Katie is studying towards a Bachelor of Science, and says the combination of subjects is exciting.
“I am really inspired by the intersection of technology and science, specifically biology,” she says. “I think it’s equally vital to have the skills to gain insights from data that is generated from my work as it is to actually do the work. There is so much potential in scientific research that would be difficult to analyse without the skills that I have learnt in Data Science.”
Katie grew up in Wellington, and says she made up her mind to study at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington after visiting the University on a school trip with Newlands College.
“I was impressed with the facilities, especially the labs. Coming from Wellington, it is fortunate and very convenient that Victoria offers a programme I am passionate about,” she says. “The Faculty of Science here is great, and I particularly like how the BSc programme is structured—I can choose my own combination of courses which suit my interests.”
Katie says her choice of subjects has allowed her to explore her creative side. “I’ve loved learning coding and analysis skills that extend beyond Statistics to the other areas of study I am drawn to, such as Biotechnology,” she says. “Data Science is so widely applicable to virtually every scientific field, so I’d encourage prospective students to create their own unique approach to studying it—it will help you understand concepts better, and to think creatively and unconventionally.”
One of the best things about studying at Te Herenga Waka according to Katie is the opportunity to meet a diverse range of people.
“I like that I can constantly meet people from different backgrounds through the collaborative aspects of my courses. Additionally, the university environment really encourages students to work together—it’s refreshing to hear ideas from others that might not have occurred to me, especially because there are always multiple ways to tackle a situation from an interdisciplinary perspective.”
She is looking forward to applying what she’s learnt in her future career.
“I am really inspired by the use of data to solve real-world problems, many of which would be difficult to analyse without the skills that I have learnt in Data Science. It’s exciting to make sense of patterns hidden in complex datasets to extract insights and make predictions, not just for myself but to help others.”
See our website for more information on studying Biotechnology or Data Science with us.