School-leaver scholarships

We offer hundreds of scholarships to school leavers each year, celebrating students with different strengths and backgrounds. Find the one that's right for you.

Our school-leaver scholarships have been developed to support students who embody the key attributes that the University values—excellence, leadership, diversity, sporting achievement, sustainability, and commitment to community. Offering much more than just financial assistance, our scholarships are designed to create communities of students who share the same ambitions, goals, backgrounds, and values. If you’ve achieved NCEA with a Merit endorsement (or equivalent) you can apply for most of our scholarships - we’d love to hear from you

All of our scholarship recipients will have access to a dedicated development toolkit that provides links to events, career development, internships, and learning opportunities. Whatever your study and life goals, our range of scholarships offers something for everyone.

Guaranteed accommodation

All scholarship recipients who apply for accommodation at a university hall of residence are guaranteed a place. This means you can use your scholarship funding to live in one of our nine central city halls of residence—make new friends, benefit from additional support, and live in an environment that encourages your academic success, plus have some fun of course!

Becoming a student of change

Kahurangi Māori Student Scholarship

The Kahurangi Māori Student Scholarship recognises Māori students who have achieved Merit or above in NCEA (or equivalent study for year 12) and demonstrate strength of engagement in te ao Māori, involvement in their community, leadership responsibilities, and performance in the arts, sports, or other cultural contexts.

  • Tauira Māori at the University will be connected with Āwhina.
  • Valued at up to $30,000 over three years of study at the University, including full accommodation costs for the first year in a University hall of residence, plus $5,000 in both of the second and third years of study.

Apply now for a Kahurangi Māori Student Scholarship

Mana Pasifika Scholarship

The Mana Pasifika Scholarship recognises Pasifika students who have achieved Merit or above in NCEA (or equivalent study for year 12) and demonstrate strength of engagement in the Pasifika community, leadership responsibilities, and performance in the arts, sports, or other cultural contexts.

  • Pasifika students at the University will be connected to the Pasifika Student Success team.
  • Valued at up to $30,000 over three years of study at the University, including full accommodation costs for the first year in a University hall of residence, plus $5,000 in both of the second and third years of study.

Apply now for a Mana Pasifika Scholarship

Mātātoa Sports Scholarship

The Mātātoa Sports Scholarship supports exceptional student athletes who have reached age-group regional and/or national representative level in their chosen sports.

  • Receiving  holistic support that will ensure that student thrives with both their academic and sporting pursuits.
  • Membership of the Student Athlete Network providing free access to fitness facilities, group exercise classes, and a qualified Fitness Advisor  on campus.
  • A dedicated University Recreation staff member who will remain a key contact and support person.
  • Recipients will receive a Mātātoa ambassador welcome pack.
  • Opportunity to represent Victoria University of Wellington at University and Tertiary Sport New Zealand events.
  • Valued at $5,000 or $10,000.

Apply now for a Mātātoa Sports Scholarship

Pakohe Sustainability Scholarship

The Pakohe Sustainability Scholarship supports students who have demonstrated sustainability practices that align with our aim to be a global thought leader by integrating sustainability into all we do.

  • Access to conferences and industry events.
  • Mentoring from the University's director of sustainability.
  • Opportunity to participate in many of our award-winning sustainability focused initiatives at the University.
  • Valued at $5,000 or $10,000.

Apply now for a Pakohe Sustainability Scholarship

Raukaraka Leadership Scholarship

The Raukaraka Leadership Scholarship supports students who have demonstrated leadership qualities, distinguishing them as New Zealand’s leaders of the future.

Apply now for a Raukaraka Leadership Scholarship

Tangiwai Excellence Scholarship

The Tangiwai Excellence Scholarship supports academically strong school leavers to study at the University, distinguishing them as New Zealand’s scholars of the future.

  • Over 300 scholarships valued at $5,000 to $10,000 awarded to the top school-leaver applicants.

Apply now for a Tangiwai Excellence Scholarship

Totoweka Equity Scholarship

The Totoweka Equity Scholarship recognises the University’s commitment to equity issues in supporting all students to have access to education.

  • The University encourages strong academic applicants who are from refugee backgrounds, identify as rainbow, have a disability, or come from disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • Valued at $5,000 or $10,000.

Apply now for a Totoweka Equity Scholarship

Kahotea Outstanding Achievement Scholarship

The Kahotea Outstanding Achievement Scholarship recognises those students who represent the top applicants from across our suite of school-leaver scholarships. Recipients will have achieved exceptional academic results and demonstrated extensive contributions within the areas of culture, sports, community involvement, leadership, or equity.

  • Valued at up to $35,000, this package includes full accommodation costs for the first year at one of the University’s halls of residence, plus a stipend of $5,000 for three years.
Applicants are automatically considered for a Kahotea Scholarship if they apply for the Tangiwai, Totoweka, Raukaraka, Pakohe, Mātātoa, Kahurangi, or Mana Pasifika Scholarships and meet the criteria.

Kahotea Outstanding Achievement Scholarship regulations

School-leaver scholarships

Our Kahotea, Kahurangi, Pakohe, Raukaraka, Tangiwai, and Totoweka (named after pounamu—a taonga that can protect and act as a source of strength) and our Mātātoa, International and Mana Pasifika scholarships have been developed to support you through your academic journey with us.

Image of 3 precious pounamu (greenstone): tangiwai, kahotea, totoweka
Three types of pounamu (greenstone). Clockwise from left: tangiwai, kahotea, totoweka

More scholarship opportunities

Check out our scholarships database to find more awards for school leavers and first-year students, funded by faculties and generous donors.

You can also search for scholarships offered by other New Zealand organisations.