Victoria University of Wellington and OBURFC Rugby Scholarships

Scholarship level: Returning students; First year students; School leaver
Closing date(s): 28 February
Tenure: One year
Award for: International; Athletes; Domestic
Number offered: Multiple
Value: Up to $7,000

History and purpose

These scholarships support students of any gender, ethnicity or descent, who have both academic and rugby ability, to study at Te Herenga Waka–Victoria University of Wellington and play for its affiliated rugby club, Old Boys' University Rugby Football Club (OBURFC). OBURFC is an amalgamation of Wellington College Old Boys RFC and Victoria University of Wellington RFC and is referred to as OBU or Old Boys' University.

Who is eligible?

These scholarships are open to students intending to play rugby for Old Boys' University and are above average rugby ability and academic performance. Preference will be given to applicants who are facing financial hardship, demonstrate initiative, and are capable of completing the degree they are enrolled in.

Selection criteria

  • Applicants must have an above average rugby ability with the potential to play representative rugby at a senior level.
  • Applicants must have at least a Merit endorsement in NCEA Level 2 (or equivalent in another qualification) or have good academic progress if the applicant is currently studying at Victoria University of Wellington or transferring from another New Zealand university.

Application process

A completed online application must be submitted by 4.30 pm on the closing date. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted. Any required supporting documentation (including references) must also be received by 4.30 pm on the closing date in order for the application to be considered.

Applications will normally open one month prior to the closing date. If no application link is provided below, check back again closer to the closing date. Contact us if you have any queries.

Scholarship specific documentation

  • A personal statement including a brief account of financial hardship if relevant
  • Rugby playing CV
  • A reference to demonstrate character, rugby ability and/or performance at school in academic and co-curricular spaces
  • A copy of NCEA Level 2 results (if applicable)
  • A copy of academic transcript (if applicable)

Selection process

All applications will be considered by a decision-making panel comprising of University Recreation Wellington staff and OBURFC officials. The decision-making panel will determine the number of final recipients and the amounts of these awards at its sole discretion. Successful applicants will be awarded by the University's Scholarships Office.

Regulations and conditions

1. Scholarship recipients must become a registered player for the Old Boys University Rugby Football Club (OBURFC) and remain registered for the duration of the Scholarship. They must also, barring injury or academic commitments such as examinations, remain available for selection for OBURFC for the entire duration of the Wellington Rugby Football Union rugby season in each calendar year.

2. Scholarship recipients are expected to act as ambassadors for both Victoria University of Wellington and OBURFC, upholding the values of these organisations through their behaviour and participating in marketing projects and events as appropriate.

3. Scholarship recipients are required to participate in the OBURFC Rugby Academy programme unless they receive a dispensation from the selection panel to participate in the Wellington Rugby Football Union or Hurricanes academy. Such dispensations will not be unreasonably withheld with the paramount consideration being what is in the best interests of each scholarship recipient.

4. Scholarship recipients must promote OBURFC, the OBURFC Academy and Victoria University of Wellington within these communities and among their peers throughout the duration of the Scholarship.

5. If a scholarship recipient becomes a contracted player to New Zealand Rugby, any Super Rugby franchise team or a provincial union during the tenure of the scholarship, the value of the scholarship will be subject to review at the discretion of the Scholarship selection panel.

6. All offers of the Scholarship will be conditional upon the recipient being enrolled in a full-year programme (full-time will be at the level of points considered by Studylink as full-time) within the stipulated criteria and tenure of the scholarship. No payment of the Scholarship will be made until this condition is met.

7. Scholarships will be paid in two instalments, one at the beginning of Trimester 1 and other at the beginning of Trimester 2.

8. The Scholarship cannot be deferred to a later year.

9. The Scholarship may be held in conjunction with other awards with the exception of any other Victoria University of Wellington sports scholarship or other full fee-paying scholarship.

10. Should the recipient withdraw from Victoria University of Wellington during the tenure of this scholarship or fail to achieve satisfactory progress, partial repayment of the Scholarship may normally be expected. Recipients must advise the Scholarships Office if they intend to withdraw.

11. At the discretion of the University and OBURFC, the application of the terms and conditions of the Scholarship may be modified in special circumstances or to avoid hardship to any candidate for the Scholarship.


Scholarships Office
Phone 0800 04 04 04