New Zealand International School Leaver Grants

Scholarship level: School leaver
Tenure: One year
Award for: International
Number offered: Multiple
Value: $2,000 for fees


The purpose of the New Zealand International School Leaver Grants is to recruit undergraduate international students currently studying at a secondary school in New Zealand to Te Herenga WakaVictoria University of Wellington and to support them in their studies. This grant is available for all eligible students beginning their studies from 2025.


  • Applicants must be international students who have completed at least one full year (i.e., their Year 13 year) at a secondary school within New Zealand.
  • Recipients must also gain University Entrance and admission to their programme of study.

Application process

There is no application procedure for the grant. Students will automatically receive the grant when they enrol at Te Herenga WakaVictoria University of Wellington. For more information, please contact Wellington University International.

Additional information

All offers of the grant will be conditional upon a recipient being fully enrolled in a full-year programme of at least 120 points by the start of the trimester. No payment of the grant will be made until this condition has been met. The grant will be paid into the student's account approximately five weeks after the start of the trimester.

This grant is valid for eligible students commencing their studies in 2025.

Regulations and conditions

  1. All offers of the Scholarship will be conditional upon the recipient being fully enrolled in a full-year programme (full-time will be at level of points considered by Studylink as full-time) within the stipulated criteria and tenure of the scholarship. No payment of the Scholarship will be made until this condition is met.
  2. The Scholarship cannot be deferred to a later year.
  3. The Scholarship may be held in conjunction with other awards.
  4. Should the recipient withdraw from Victoria University of Wellington during the tenure of this scholarship or fail to achieve satisfactory progress, partial repayment of the Scholarship will normally be expected. Recipients must advise the Scholarships Office if they intend to withdraw.
  5. At the discretion of the Deciding Authority, the application of the terms and condition of the Scholarship may be modified in special circumstances or to avoid hardship to any candidate for the Scholarship.


For more information on eligibility or the application process for this scholarship, please contact Wellington University International at