Craig Buck Andrews PhD Scholarship in Financial Reporting & Financial Management

Scholarship level: Doctoral; Doctoral (fully funded)
Closing date(s): Not offered until November 2026
Tenure: Three years
Award for: International; Domestic
Number offered: One scholarship every three years
Value: $105,000 total (up to $35,000 p.a. for three years)

History and purpose

The Craig Buck Andrews PhD Scholarship in Financial Reporting and Financial Management is an endowed scholarship established by the late Craig Andrews of Washington DC, through the Victoria University of Wellington Foundation.

Through the course of his career Mr Andrews worked on World Bank projects in a number of developing countries with academics from Victoria University of Wellington. Based on this experience he wished to support research at Victoria University of Wellington to build capacity for sound financial reporting and financial management in developing countries and thus promote the economic and social development of those countries.

Who is eligible?

  • Applicant must be a student in the School of Accounting and Commercial Law at Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington to complete a PhD thesis on the topics of financial reporting and/or financial management in developing countries. The thesis should contribute to capacity building for financial reporting and financial management in primary industries or concessionable industries.
  • Preference may be given to students from developing countries coming to study for a PhD at Te Herenga Waka -Victoria University of Wellington and who intend to return to their home country.

Selection criteria

  • Applicants must be intending to enrol in a PhD in the School of Accounting and Commercial Law at Victoria University of Wellington.
  • Applicants must be intending to complete a PhD thesis on the topics of financial reporting and/or financial management in developing countries.

Scholarship specific documentation

Applicants must meet the entry requirements for Doctoral study at Victoria University of Wellington. Please refer to the Wellington Faculty of Graduate Research.

New Doctoral applicants should complete the Doctoral Admission and Scholarship online application and clearly indicate they wish to apply for the Craig Buck Andrews PhD Scholarship in Financial Reporting and Financial Management.

Applicants may be requested to supply evidence of financial hardship if applicable, and any other documentation they wish to be considered by the committee, such as personal statements or character references, to assist their application.

Selection process

The successful recipient will be selected by a panel comprising the Head of School of Accounting and Commercial Law, Professor Keitha Dunstan (Bond University) and Tony van Zijl (Victoria University of Wellington) or their nominees.

Additional information

Recipients must write a letter of thanks to the donor of this scholarship.

Regulations and conditions

  1. A completed online application must be submitted by 4.30 pm on the closing date. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted. Any required supporting documentation (including references) must also be received by 4:30pm on the closing date in order for the application to be considered.
  2. All offers of the Scholarship will be conditional upon the recipient being fully enrolled in a full-year programme (full-time will be at the level of points considered by Studylink as full-time) within the stipulated criteria and tenure of the scholarship. No payment of the Scholarship will be made until this condition is met.
  3. The Scholarship cannot be deferred to a later year.
  4. The Scholarship may be held in conjunction with other awards.
  5. Should the recipient withdraw from Victoria University of Wellington during the tenure of this scholarship or fail to achieve a satisfactory progress, partial repayment of the Scholarship will normally be expected. Recipients must advise the Scholarships Office if they intend to withdraw.
  6. Recipients are expected to act as Ambassadors for Victoria University of Wellington and participate in appropriate events or marketing if requested.
  7. At the discretion of the Deciding Authority, the application of the terms and conditions of the Scholarship may be modified in special circumstances or to avoid hardship to any candidate for the Scholarship.


Scholarships Office
Phone 0800 04 04 04