Prize details
Virginia Rose Burns Award
Closing date:
No application required - the recipient will be nominated by academic supervisors in the School of Psychology at Victoria.
The recipient should be a student undertaking a Masters thesis through the School of Psychology at Victoria. The recipient will be chosen on the basis of academic merit and the proposal of research on a cutting-edge or innovative topic.
History and purpose
This award was established by Dr Alison Hopkins in 2017 in memory of Virginia Rose Burns. Virginia held a BA Hons in Psychology and became a Master of Science in 2006, through the School of Psychology at Victoria. Her supervisors were Professor Tony Ward and Professor Paul Jose and her Masters thesis was about trauma experienced by censors who are exposed to objectional material. She enjoyed studying for her thesis immensely and the work done with her supervisors whom she referred to as 'the boys'.
Decision makers
The Head of School for Psychology (or their nominee) in conjunction with at least two other academic members of staff within the school.
What conditions are attached to the acceptance of this award?
There are no conditions attached to the acceptance of this award, however, students are asked to write a letter of appreciation to the donor to thank them for the award, and to write an acknowledgement of the award in the acknowledgements section of their thesis and any subsequent publications.
For more information about this award, contact:
The Scholarships Office
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600
New Zealand
Phone: (04) 463 5113 or (04) 463 5557