Story Inc Prize for Poetry


In 2000, Wellington exhibition design company Story Inc created a permanent installation called the 'Wall of Words' in the lobby of the Vero building in Auckland. The Wall uses over 80 New Zealand quotations, some famous, others little-known, to create an expression of our national identity. Most of the living authors (or speakers) quoted on the Wall (or their families) generously agreed to waive their copyright fee in favour of a collective donation to an appropriate charity. What could be more appropriate than a prize for New Zealand's next generation of poets?

The successful recipient is selected by the Director of the International Institute of Modern Letters (or nominee). As the prize is awarded on literary merit, Story Inc do not wish to be included in the selection process but will see a copy of the winning work, prior to the prize being awarded.

Should the Victoria University of Wellington Undergraduate Poetry Workshop permanently cease to be offered, the prize shall be awarded to a similar course on the approval of the Trustees of the Victoria University Foundation. Where possible this will be decided in conjunction with Story Inc.

The prize may be held in conjunction with other awards.

The prize is awarded annually, subject to the course being offered. If, in any year, the prize is not awarded, the interest earned will be added to the capital value.

Recipients will be asked for permission for their poem to be featured on Story Inc’s website. The poem will be accompanied by a short bio and photo of the recipient.


2x $500 (subject to available funds)


No application required


The prize is awarded to the author of the best poetry portfolio in CREW 253 and CREW 260.