Maurice Gee Prize in Undergraduate Fiction


This Prize honours the distinguished contribution by Maurice Gee to literature in Aotearoa New Zealand. A multi-award winning writer, Maurice Gee's classic works both for adults and young people included the acclaimed Plumb trilogy, several collections of short stories, as well as his beloved children's books "Under the Mountain" and "The Half-Men of O".

The Prize is awarded on the recommendation of the Director of the Institute of Modern Letters with the advice of the relevant course coordinators.

The Prize is awarded annually, subject to the appropriate course or courses being offered. In years in which the Children's Writing course is offered, preference may be given to these folios as recognition of Maurice Gee's special achievement in this genre. It may be held in conjunction with other awards.

Recipients will be asked to write a letter of thanks, which will be forwarded appropriately.


$400 (subject to available funds)


No application required


This Prize is awarded to the author of the best folio across the IIML's undergraduate fiction workshops and is awarded solely on the basis of literary merit.