Eileen Duggan Prize in New Zealand Literature


This prize arises from a fund subscribed by Friends of Eileen Duggan to commemorate her contribution to poetry in New Zealand.

1. The prize shall be known as the Eileen Duggan Prize in New Zealand Literature.

2. The prize shall be awarded annually by the Academic Board, on the recommendation of the Head, School of English, Film and Theatre, to the best undergraduate student of New Zealand Literature.

3. The value of the prize in any year shall be determined by the Academic Board after consideration of the income from the fund. The balance of income not expended shall be added to the fund.

4. Part of the prize money shall be spent on a book, or books.


$500, with part of the prize money to be spent on a book, or books


No application required


This prize arises from a fund subscribed by friends of Eileen Duggan to commemorate her contribution to poetry in New Zealand.
It is awarded to the best undergraduate student of New Zealand Literature.