Current postgraduate students

Our current postgraduate students in the School of Biological Sciences

Afnan Al Abadey profile-picture photograph

Afnan Al Abadey

Investigating the effects of kappa opiod receptor agonists on microglia in an animal model of MS

Supervisor: Anne La Flamme

Pegah Amiri

Supervisor: Andrew Munkacsi

Thesis title: Translating the bioactivity of an ethanol adduct of Vescalagin in from yeast to human cells

sarah Andrassend

Sarah Andreassend

Supervisor: Monica Gerth

Thesis title: Investigating metabolite profiles involved in Kauri dieback

Imogen Ashley

Imogen Ashley

Supervisor: Simon Davy

Thesis title: Study of inositol in Aiptasia

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Colan Balkwill

Supervisor: Julie Deslippe

Thesis title: Population genetics of a foundational forest tree species: towards landscape level restoration of gene flow in Dacrycarpus dacrydioides (Kahikatea) in New Zealand


Frowin Becker

Supervisor: Heiko Wittmer

Thesis title: Using automated recorders to monitor wetland birds in Botswana's Okavango Delta


Chelsey Beese

Supervisor: Alice Rogers

Thesis title: Coral Reef Predators and their relation with structural complexity

Lusiane Belaus

Lusiane Lea Belaus

Supervisor: Elaine Dennison

Thesis title: The Impact of Support Programmes on Alcohol Affected Families Wellbeing

Rabia BIibi

Rabia Bibi

Supervisor: Brownyn Kivell

Thesis title: Role of Kappa opioids in multiple sclerosis

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Katie Bigham

Supervisor: Ashley Rowden

Thesis title: Resilience of deep-sea benthic communities to turbidity flows following the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake

Georgina Bird

Georgina Bird

Supervisor: Peter Larsen

Thesis title: B Cells in Coronary Artery Disease

Tom Bird

Tom Bird

Supervisor: Davide Comoletti

Thesis title: Identification and characterisation of Novel SARS-COV-2 Receptors


Manuel Blank

Supervisor: Jeremy Owen

Thesis title: Metagenome Mining for Novel RiPP Antibiotics from Unculturable Marine Micro-organisms

Ian Blixt

Ian Blixt

Supervisor: Jonathan Gardner

Thesis title: Modelling the impacts of rhodopsin driven energy flux in Antarctic Science microbial communities

Storn Blockley-Powell

Storm Blockley-Powell

Supervisor:  Andrew Munkacsi

Thesis title: Elucidating the molecular mechanisms of action of Kanuka extract via chemical genetic analyses

Imke Book portrait

Imke Böök

Supervisor: Nicole Phillips

Thesis title: Effect of cliona sp. (a bioerosive sponge) on Ostrea chilensis

Hannah Boswell

Hannah Boswell

Supervisor: Lisa Connor

Thesis title: Interactions between innate-like lymphocites and dendritic cells

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Kendra Boyes

Supervisor: Bronwyn Kivell

Thesis title: Myelin repair pathways in Multiple Sclerosis

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Manon Broadribb Payne

Supervisor: James Bell

Thesis title: Role of sponges in supporting higher trophic levels on Temperate Mesophotic reef Ecosytems (TMEs)

Kaitlin Buick

Kaitlin Buick

Supervisor: Ian Hermans

Thesis title: Investigating the Immune Networks Involved in mRNA Vaccination

Imogen Bunting

Imogen Bunting

Supervisor: Christopher Cornwall

Thesis title: Climate resilience in New Zealand's giant kelp

Kaileen Button

Kaileen Button

Supervisor: Lisa Connor

Thesis title: Investigating humoral antibody responses following mucosal vaccinations

Tory Carrrington

Tory Carrington

Supervisor: Alice Rogers

Thesis title: Evaluating the top-down effect of sharks on New Zealand hoki


Georgia Carson

Supervisor: Melanie McConnell

Thesis title: Mitochondrial DNA transfer to cells with mitrochondrial genome damage following bone marrow transplantation

Riccardo Ciarle

Riccardo Ciarle

Supervisor: Kevin Burns

Thesis title: Differentiating the roles of geographical and ecological variables in shaping plant reproduction-related traits on southern Pacific islands

Rianna Collins

Rianna Collins

Supervisor: Simon Davy

Thesis title: The secretory physiology of the cnidarian-dinoflagellate symbiosis

Jordan Compton

Jordan Compton

Supervisor: Wayne Patrick

Thesis title: How do microbes swap their allosteric enzymes?

Oscar Crehan

Oscar Crehan

Supervisor: Simon Davy

Thesis title: The Role of Nitrogen Metabolism in the Stability and Dysfunction of the Cnidarian-Dinoflagellate Symbiosis

Blue Cronin

Kahurangi Cronin

Supervisor: Kevin Burns

Thesis title: Eusociality in a Platycerium bifurcatum: Eusocial Epiphytes


Rachel Crouthers

Supervisor: Peter Ritchie

Thesis title: Understanding and addressing the challenges to elephant conservation in populous Southeast Asia: Can small fragmented populations of Asian elephants survive in anthropogenic landscapes?

Sydney Dean

Sydney Dean

Supervisor: Ken Ryan

Thesis title: Stress response of proteorhodopsin-bearing bacteria in Antarctic sea ice

Katrijn De Bock

Katrijn De Bock

Supervisor: Kevin Burns

Thesis title: Not available

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Mari Deinhart

Supervisor: Joe Zuccarello

Thesis title: Quantifying Blue Carbon Sequestration: Kelp Contribution to Carbon Sequestration in Marine Sediments


Cintya Del Rio Hernandez

Supervisor: Andrew Munkacsi

Thesis title: Genetic interaction networks for atorvastatin studied in yeast and humans

Jim den Uyl

James Den Uyl

Supervisor: Julie Deslippe

Thesis title: Exploring soil carbon sensitivity: The influences of elevation and herbivory in mountain environment

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Aaria Dobson-Waitere

Supervisor: Danielle Shanahan

Thesis title: Te Kura i Huna: Kaupapa Māori approaches to reindigenising taonga species translocations


Alison Duncan

Supervisor: Nicole Phillips

Thesis title: Intergenerational effects of multiple environmental stressors on offspring of the estuarine whelk Cominella glandiformis


Hamish Dunham

Supervisor: Janet Pitman

Thesis title: Multiplex Apta sensor for the quantitative detection of free amino acids

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Elsie Dunkley

Supervisor: Wayne Patrick

Thesis title: Enzyme evolution in the context of cellular Metabolism


Michael Fairhurst

Supervisor: Monica Gerth

Thesis title: Drugs and drug targets of Phytophthora agathidicida

Imogen Foote

Imogen Foote

Supervisor: Peter Richie

Thesis title: Use of DNA markers for genetic assignment testing and population analysis in New Zealand seabirds

Devlin Forsythe

Devlin Forythe

Supervisor: Melanie McConnell

Thesis title: A genetically engineered immune competent transplantation model of glioblasoma

Jennifer Francis

Jennifer Francis

Supervisor: David Ackerley

Thesis title: How do new antibiotic resistance genes evolve?

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Andrea Gamba

Supervisor: Simon Davy

Thesis title: Lipid signalling in the criderion - dinoflagellate symbiosis

Josiah Gammeter

Josiah Gammeter

Supervisor: Peter Pfeffer

Thesis title: Modelling epiblast-trophoblast signaling using stem cells

Mitch Ganley

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Supervisor: Gavin Painter

Thesis title: Liposomal co delivery of neo-antigen vaccines and NKT cell agonist


Savannah Goode

Supervisor: Ashley Rowden

Thesis title: Resilience of benthic seamount communities to fishing disturbance

Natalie Graham Portrait

Natalie Graham

Supervisor: Nicola Day

Thesis title: The role of host genetics in shaping the tree root microbone

Elysha-Rose Grant

Elysha-Rose Grant

Supervisor: Anne La Flamme

Thesis title: Investigating the mechanism of action of novel immunomodulators on immune cell function in vitro

Madeline Griffiths

Madeline Griffiths

Supervisor: Anne La Flamme

Thesis title: Investigating the role of heparan sulfate mimetics on homeostatic versus inflammatory trafficking through the choroid plexus

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Hasanah Hamizan

Supervisor: Anne La Flamme

Thesis title: Exploring the immunomodulatory effects kappa opioid receptor on mast cells


Natalie Hammond

Supervisor: Andrew Munkacsi

Thesis title: Identification and characterisation of protein-protein interactions mediating cholesterol transport in Niemann-Pick type C disease.

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Lee Hatter

Supervisor: Richard Beasley

Thesis title: Not available

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Callum Howett

Supervisor: Peter Pfeffer

Thesis title: Regulation Elf5 in mice

Matt Howse Portrait

Matthew Howse

Supervisor: Phil Lester

Thesis title: The feasibility of eradicating invasive wasps on an island ecosystem

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Amey Hughes

Supervisor: Janet Pitman

Thesis title: Not available

Polly Idelchik

Polina Idelchik

Supervisor: Monica Gerth

Thesis title: Not available


Kate Isaac

Supervisor: Peter Pfeffer

Thesis title: Establishing a novel in-vitro culture system for cattle embryos

Ceridwyn Jones

Ceridwyn Jones

Supervisor: Peter Larsen

Thesis title: Not available


Nora Kandler

Supervisor: James Bell

Thesis title: Climate change impacts on sponges

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Mackenzie Kiernan

Supervisor: Anne La Flamme

Thesis title: The role of regulatory T cells in cells CNS remyeination

Josep Kihita

Joseph Kihika

Supervisor: Ken Ryan

Thesis title: Cryopreservation of Microalgae and cyanobacteria and effects on molecular lutegrity

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Louis Kirton

Supervisor: Richard Beasley

Thesis title: Closed loop oxygen control

Holly Koch

Holly Koch

Supervisor: Christopher Cornwall

Thesis title: Coralline algal responses to climate change stressors over multiple generations

Sarah Lamar Portrait

Sarah Lamar

Supervisor: Diane Ormsby and Nicola Nelson

Thesis title: Variation in fitness in male tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus) and its reproductive implications

Hannah Lee-Harwood

Hannah Lee-Harwood

Supervisor: David Ackerley

Thesis title: Investigating the potential of niclosamide for treatment of gram negative bacterial infections

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Indira Leon

Supervisor: Julie Deslippe

Thesis title: Plant Ecology and Physiology


Natascha Lewe

Supervisor: Julie Deslippe

Thesis title: Resource partitioning and community structure in the Rhizosphere

Rob Lewis

Robert Lewis

Supervisor: Simon Davy

Thesis title: Inter-partner signalling during the establishment of the cnidarian-dinoflagellate symbiosis

Alex Lister

Alexandra Lister

Supervisor: Darren Day

Thesis title: Maternal immune activation and SERT expression as risk factors for neurodevelopmental disorders

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Linlin Liu

Supervisor: Nicola Nelson

Thesis title: What are the phenotyic and behavioural responses of tuatara to climate warming


Regan MacKinlay

Supervisor: Rachael Shaw

Thesis title: The ecological function and conservation applications of cognition in North Island Robins

Josie Mainwaring

Josie Mainwaring

Supervisor: Monica Gerth

Thesis title: Cell wall-degrading enzymes and microbes that produce them

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Alex Martin

Supervisor: Alex Semprini

Thesis title: Exploring decentralisation as an alternative means to clinical trial separation: is cannabis for insomnia?

Liam McAuliffe Portrait

Liam McAuliffe

Supervisor: Nicola Nelson

Thesis title: Understanding the occurrence of New Zealand endemic birds in complex human-altered landscapes

Ella McCallum

Ella McCallum

Supervisor: Rachel Shaw

Thesis title: The influence of inhibitory control behaviour in fitness and wild

Rose McGruddy

Rose McGruddy

Supervisor: Phil Lester

Thesis title: The use of RNAi as a control for Varroa mites on honeybees

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Edward McGuinniety

Supervisor: David Ackerley

Thesis title: Engineering NRPS enzymes for biosynthesis of novel drug cindideles

Michael John Mendiola

Mikel Mendiola

Supervisor: Jonathan Gardner

Thesis title: Population genomics of green-lipped mussels in Bay of Plenty

Sarah Messenger

Sarah Messenger

Supervisor: David Ackerley

Thesis title: High throughput engineering of NRPS enzymes to generate novel bioactive compounds

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Theresa Moore

Supervisor: Julie Deslippe

Thesis title: Feeding habits and dietary preferences of Himalayan Tahr

Henry Morse

Henry Morse

Supervisor: Stephen Hartley

Thesis title: Ensuring landscape-scale ecological restoration outcomes over time

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Keri Multerer

Supervisor: Andrew Munkacsi

Thesis title: Machine Learning Approaches for Polygenic Risk Score Analysis and Filling in Components of Interaction Networks

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Freya Newton

Supervisor: Julie Deslippe

Thesis title: Elevated CO2 and the soil microbiome


Eliatan Niktab

Supervisor: Andrew Munkacsi

Thesis title: Nonparametric Tests to Identify Gnomic Exacerbating Attributes in Mendelian Disorders


Vincent Nowak

Supervisor: Jeremy Owen

Thesis title: New methods for the discovery of natural products from understudied and uncultivated phyla


William Odey

Supervisor: Shalen Kumar

Thesis title: Novel strategies for selection of bioreceptors

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Melanie Olds

Supervisor: Janet Pitman

Thesis title: Aneuploidy biomarkers in embryos

Brianna Otto

Briana Otto

Supervisor: Joanna Mackichan

Thesis title: Bartonella quintana interactions with the host innate immune system

Roberto Parada

Roberto Parada

Supervisor: Jonathan Gardner

Thesis title: Population genetics of green-lipped mussels (Perna canaliculus) at Ninety Mile Beach


Tessa Peck

Supervisor: Anne La Flamme

Thesis title: Role of heparanase inhibition in Multiple Sclerosis pathology

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Bria Pengelly

Supervisor: Bronwyn Kivell

Thesis title: Effects of microglia ib KOR mediated remyelination

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Grady Petersen

Supervisor: Drew Lohrer

Thesis title: Development of a spatial Bayesian network model to anticipate shifts in ecosystem function in estuaries

Miriam Pierotti

Miriam Pierotti

Supervisor: James Bell

Thesis title:  TBC

Tessa Pilkington

Tessa Pilkington

Supervisor: Phil Lester

Thesis title: Varroa resistant honeybees

Calvin  Quigley portrait

Calvin Quigley

Supervisor: Jonathan Gardner

Thesis title: Genetic connectivity of 3 Kaimoana species of the national scale


Tamayanthi Rajakumar

Supervisor: Andrew Munkacsi

Thesis title: Characterizing debiquitination as a modifier of Niemann-Pick C disease


Lorenzo Ravalo

Supervisor: Jonathan Gardner

Thesis title: Analysing introgression and hybridization of Mytilus galloprovincialis lineages through the use of molecular markers and shell morphology.

Evan Raymond

Evan Raymond

Supervisor: Simon Davy

Thesis title: Photophysiological phenotyping as a means of genotypic identification in Symbiodiniaceae

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Anna Resende

Supervisor: Alice Rogers

Thesis title: Effects of marine heatwaves and suspended sediment  on common coastal New Zealand fish

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Guillermo Rodriguez

Supervisor: Peter Richie

Thesis title: Genomics of flat oyster


Sarah Sczelecki

Supervisor: Janet Pitman

Thesis title: Identifying Novel Biomarkers of Early Epithelial Ovarian Cancer


Jeffrey Sheridan

Supervisor: Andrew Munkacsi

Thesis title: High throughput microscopy for drug development

Sam Siljee

Sam Siljee

Supervisor: Lifeng Peng

Thesis title: Protemic analysis of human aiway basal stem cells associated with p53 mutation

Thomas Skurr

Thomas Skurr

Supervisor: David Ackerley

Thesis title: Discovery of novel prodrug activating and detoxifying genes from bacterial metagenome libraries

Zoe Smeele

Zoe Smeele

Supervisor: Phil Lester

Thesis title: The use of dsRNA for virus control in honey bees

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Sven Sondhauss

Supervisor: Anne La Flamme

Thesis title: Characterisation of novel compounds for treatment of MS

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Francesca Strano

Supervisor: James Bell

Thesis title: Impacts of climate change on the reproductive ecology of sponges

Jacqui Stuart

Jacqui Stuart

Supervisor: Ken Ryan

Thesis title: Understanding the mechanisms of adaption and speciation in marine phytoplankton

Kelly Styles

Kelly Styles

Supervisor: Jeremy Owen

Thesis title: Optimizing (meta)genomic workflows for fungal BGC recovery

Monica Summers

Monica Summers

Supervisor: Monica Gerth

Thesis title: Investigating native microbial communities for antagonistic activity towards Phytophthora agathidicida

Aleluia Taise

Aleluia Taise

Supervisor: Christopher Cornwall

Thesis title: Macroalgal responses to climate change stressors: effects of ocean acidification and warming on Caulerpa species

Briony Thone

Bryony Thorne

Supervisor: Darren Day

Thesis title: Understanding the relationship between the serotonergic system and mitochrondrial function neuropsychiatric disorders

Marina Tonetti Botana

Marina Tonetti Botana

Supervisor: Simon Davy

Thesis title: Lipid signalling in the cnidarian-dinoflagellate symbiosis


Giulia Trauzzi

Supervisor: Jonathan Gardner

Thesis title: Paua SNP development for monitoring recovery of paua populations affected by the Kaikoura earthquake


Anna Tribe

Supervisor: Melanie McConnell

Thesis title: Novel activity of BCL6 in glioblastoma

Tirth Vaishnav

Tirth Vaishnav

Supervisor: Kevin Burns

Thesis title: Ecological impacts of human-wildlife interactions in Wellington, New Zealand

Tas Vamos

Tas Vamos

Supervisor: Rachael Shaw

Thesis title: The influence of spatial memory ability on foraging and caching behaviour in North Island robins

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Matire Ward

Supervisor: Janet Pitman

Thesis title: Investigating the effect of a physiologically relevant IVM system on the function of bovine cumulus cell-oocyte complexes

Gabriela Wood

Gabriela Wood

Supervisor: James Bell

Thesis title: Impacts of Anthropogenic Stressors on Temperate Marine Sponges

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Margaret Wuerz

Supervisor: Simon Davy

Thesis title: Volatilomics in Aiptasia-dinoflagellate symbiosis

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Jarem Wylie

Supervisor: Ian Hermans

Thesis title: T-cells Armoured for Nitroreductase induced killing

Su Min Yeoh

Su Min Yeoh

Supervisor: Julie Deslippe

Thesis title: Combating Phytophthora in kauri dieback: Harnessing plant-microbial interactions through co-planting field trial in Waipoua Forest

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Gordon Zhao

Supervisor: Ian Hermans

Thesis title: Developing naval mRNA vaccine for the treatment of HBV infection and hepatocellular carcinoma

Gordon Zhao profile-picture photograph

Gordon Zhao

Developing naval mRNA vaccine for the treatment of HBV infection and hepatocellular carcinoma

Supervisor: Ian Hermans