Marine Ecology and Ecosystem Modelling

The Marine Ecology and Ecosystem Modelling Lab is comprised of mathematically-minded ecologists that focus on quantifying the impacts of environmental and human-induced change on marine ecosystems. Our research encompasses deep sea, shallow water, and coastal communities, examining the impacts of climate change and human activity on fish and fisheries. Specifically, we look at trophic interactions, fish behaviour, and habitat degradation and their implications for large scale population dynamics. Through a combination of field data collection and ecosystem modelling, we aim to determine how habitat degradation affects both tropical and temperate fish communities, from coral reefs to kelp forests. Our goal is to promote long term sustainability by providing scientific tools for ecosystem and fisheries managers.

Specifically, our recent work has focused on the concept of habitat structure and the role it plays in predator-prey dynamics and consequentially, community dynamics. To find out more about what we’re currently working on, check out our People page.

Prospective Students

​I​ ​am happy to discuss potential postgraduate supervision with​ hard-working, highly motivated students​. ​If you feel your interests align with mine, please email me with a brief description of your experience and interests​ and​ attach a CV.​

If you have any questions about the student experience or life in Wellington, our friendly lab members would be happy to help. Feel free to contact them at the email addresses listed on our member page.


Director, Wellington University Coastal Ecology Laboratory
School of Biological Sciences